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1. Don't worry Greg, everything is fine! I'm sure.

2. For bird people born as bird people, it is not difficult to use your feet as your primary hands. Marshall and David certainly don't have any issues. Anthony, on the other hand. Well he doesn't like it, no sir.

3. Despite having SO MANY BOOKS, I usually always start at Wikipedia list of folkloric creatures or list of mythical creatures/etc when I'm looking for a new critter for the comic. You gotta use wikipedia responsibly, though. It's just a starting point, and once I have a few names I can then look deeper for more information on the creatures.

4. Today I learned that a seahawk is just an osprey. Here I thought it was some special pacific northwest ocean bird! Nope. An osprey. Still pretty cool, though.

5. Dragons can fill all sorts of niches, and eat all sorts of things! You can usually get a good idea of what one eats by the shape of their jaws and teeth! Although that can backfire sometimes, as you'd think that Nudelschlange would be like an aardvark or something, but then she opens her mouth and you're like "Oh...that's not a face for eating termites at all."




LOL. Love the Seahawk/Cougar, all good PNW beasties have opinions about Starbucks.


Oh hey! That's literally the same species as the skindeep 'sona I made over the summer! Hermano!!