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Skin Deep turns 17 tomorrow (Saturday Nov 11)! Wow! Happy birthday, Skin Deep!

1) I think a prairie chicken/ground squirrel gryphon would make a lot of weird little noises.

2) Bloodcarver can wiggle his whiskers around, but they don't do much more than act as little feelers. He uses them primarily to check out unfamiliar things that are too small for his big fat fingers.

3) Wonderland might not have even been established by the time medallions were being made, so that begs the question of if jubjub birds came before or after wonderland, which also causes a bunch more problems. Chalk this uncertainty up to another case of "it sure would be nice if anyone wrote anything down, or if they wrote anything down they put it in a place where others could find it."

4) Barnaby is a respectable 20 years old. Middle-aged for a rabbit! An old man.

5) Asking a bugbear for fun facts never turns out well. Well, it turns out funny, but you never know if anything you hear is true.




Looking at the Anniversary Dino-Kory gives me a silly question... Dinosaur/Prehistoric creature instead of Myths Skin Deep alternative Universe, decent or Cool... blooded?


Kory - What would the main cast look like as Xmen characters!???