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1. You know how Cassie from Animorphs was better at morphing than everyone else? It's kind of like that with medallions. Some people have better control over the magic than others, and can even slightly influence the look of their human illusion. To keep the magic user-friendly, the illusion is largely subconscious.

2. Don't worry, both Michelle and Bloodcarver got a nice long chance to just pass out for awhile after their ordeal. They were fully tuckered out.

3. It does seem like an odd choice for bugbears to get medallions when other species didn't, but being able to look human really helped out their communities, especially early on. "There's a big scary monster that chased me away from that weird place" has a chance of "let's go back and kill that monster" where as "a ghost scared me" has a better chance of humans never coming back to bother you.

4. Cactus cats are native to the American southwest! 

5. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN for your patience with this hiatus! it's taking much longer than I had anticipated, but fires keep popping up for me that I need to put out and I haven't had a chance to really make a lot of headway on the next script yet. Hopefully early 2024 will be when the comic starts up again!!



Kim Martin

So if the medallion works off a person's sub conscious. I'm betting that since the medallions are given to children people end up outing themselves really early before they're even sure themselves. Because the brains gender can develop differently from the body.


I sometimes wish I could "like" each individual Q&A entry!