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1. I've been enjoying people pointing me towards South American cryptids, I didn't know anything about them before these Reader Questions! There's a lot of great ones!

2. Most of the gryphon-mashups you're seeing here will most likely never be seen in the comic and are just fun little drawing exercises for me, and I can tell you right now that this jub-jub bird/bandersnatch gryphon is 100% not canon at all. Unless there was a weird Ike-like hybrid. Oh no, that would be possible. Oh no this poor sparkledog of a creature...

3. I've said it before, but bugbears run off the same sorta logic as Toons from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. They can do it if it's scary. Bugbears have medallions, which means they couldn't turn human before medallions were invented, but they sure could do a lot of other things.

4. There are some things you don't mess with, and one of those things would be the all-powerful nature grandma that lives in the woods and can hop on your back and torment you until you die. You don't wanna make her mad.

5. Thank you, Avalon Elders, you've really cleared up this question with your expertise. Why is Barnaby even weighing in on this, he doesn't even use a medallion.




... he doesn't even weigh that much!


Oh! On the bat bandwagon...what about jackalope-bats! What would those look like? Or Al'miraj-bats? Bunny bats! (I might have had too much caffeine) Would like make them like bat winged Wolpertingers or would their front limbs be bat wings? Bunny noses or bat noses? Are they tiny like bats? Do they hang upside down to sleep? I need to know!