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Week 15!

1. I think with creatures that live deep/far out in the ocean, there isn't really a need to hide from humans. So little is known about the animals humans DO know about, like blue whales, so any large, intelligent critter in the ocean probably doesn't have a lot of motivation to move to land and pretend to be human. They are worried about how humans keep encroaching, though.

2. This really kills me because I've made a conscious effort to keep the creatures in Skin Deep based off of real life mythology and folklore, and not any sort of modern/copyrightable pop culture equivalent. But traditional kobolds are just like, little guys in your house. They can turn invisible. They can turn into fire, I guess. But they're little guys. Dungeons and Dragons kobolds are cute little critters like doggies and lizards. I know which one I'd have more fun drawing if I ever wanted to put kobolds into Skin Deep.

3. I never thought I'd draw this many bat/bird gryphons. They're like, a new species at this point. Like how hippogryphs aren't gryphons even though they're basically gryphons. Chiroptegryph?

4. I read this question and went "surely there is a mythical creature out there in the world that is basically just a human-faced bear, right? Turns out not really. Maybe kinda??? There's a couple European ones that are close maybe? Anyway here's Chiyou the god of war from Chinese mythology. He has the butt of a bear.

5. Has Alec seen Beetlejuice. Has Alec seen beetlejuice? I don't know Alec, have you seen Beetlejuice?????




I wonder, what would the upper limit of bugbear illusions look like? How over the top can they get if they reeaally tried?


We've seen harpies of the other types, but not very many of the podargian type, so how about we see some? Be really funny to have an ostrich, chicken or some other podargian harpies.


I want to follow this question up with "what's the laziest illusion Alec has used to terrify someone?"


1. How about a gryphon made of a greater prairie chicken and a ground squirrel? 2. Any fun facts about ouzelum birds?


I love Kakapos and bats so the Kakapobat is so freacking cute! I need a pin or a badge, something of the fat little batty-boo!