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Week 12! How has it been 12 weeks! Wow!

1. Another gryphon! This one would be VERY FLUFFY. And also a MENACE.

2. As the caption says, it would be a crime to not cuddle with Jim. I would imagine with so many fluffy creatures around that are also part cat or dog, cuddles would be essential.

3. Bloodcarver would look like a big Leviathan on nixie spit, honestly. It might be a good solution to live in the sea for awhile, Bloodcarver.

4. Ike is a complicated guy, okay.

5. Another wacky gryphon! This one has no thoughts in its brains.




Okay, the giraffe/crane gryphon looks like something you'd see after too much Tequila. **shudders** Cute, incredibly distructive, and probably making the *weirdest* noises on this planet.


Does being born as a human vs as a mythic influence how someone’s midform or human form might look? Like if Blanche had been born human, would he still have white hair and eyes in human form, or would they be more a more natural color? Are those born human more likely to have a plantigrade midform?