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1: Ravi doesn't know what you mean. Ravi has been here the entire time. Ravi will always be here. Ravi is eternal.

2: Needless to say, dobhar-chú do not have medallions. If you ever find yourself in Ireland, stay away from them.

3: They probably think Mikhail would go for a mega-houndoom or something. But nah, joltik is cute.

4: This picture is black and white, but the color for Wind Curse would be white. One afflicted would kinda look like they're in a wind tunnel all the time.

5: The discord thinks that Vera should get ice cream, but Bloodcarver is the one that gets it.




You're starting to scare me, Ravi.


Here's something I've wondered, what would Lorne's(or anyone's)reaction to receiving their medallion and having paws with no thumbs (but being blessed with toe beans in exchange)?