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I sent out several messages to individuals before I realized this problem was way more wide-spread than I thought, so I thought I'd try to send it to everyone!

You may have already heard that there was a hiccup with Patreon's payment processing for August: many pledges were outright cancelled, many were flagged as fraudulent, and many more were just not charged at all. I thought I had found and contacted all my patrons who were affected, but now that I am working on shipping out Skin Deep Pin Club, I'm noticing that it is WAY more widespread than I thought.

So please, especially if you are pledged for the Pin Club or above, please check your pledge! I can't send out pin club packages if your account was only charged for June and July but not August! I was initially sending out individual messages to people about this, so if you already got a message from me, I apologize.

Sorry for this situation! It is very frustrating! I make most of my money via patreon these days, and especially the Pin Club, and this hitting right as I am trying to ship out a bunch of packages is very frustrating! I'll try to get them all out as soon as I can! Please email me at korybing@gmail.com or message me here if you have any questions!



I panicked the moment I heard about the processing issue. Made me nervous again so i triple checked just to be sure now. Looks like everything is good on my end. Can't imagine the stress this puts on everyone hit by it. or for creators that survive on this income.


Yeah, it apparently happened because they changed their processing center from California to Ireland and didn't warn banks ahead of time, so just massive "fraud" rejections resulted. I saw news of some creators getting like 90% of their payments bounced! No good. :(


Looks like mine went through


There used to be a GREAT little fast-food Thai place in Las Vegas that was family-run and had a beautiful little Buddhist shrine on one end of the counter. Once per year one of the local priests came in and blessed it; I don't know the ritual, but they always left white paint (?) fingerprints directly above the doorway and the shrine. Loved that place-- you could get *amazingly* good Pad Thai that wasn't dumbed down or Americanized, and it'd be ready in less than 10 minutes.