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The first entry for the Quintessential Contest, RemRamWaluigi with a story over 8,000 words! This is one of Luigi's first forays into writing, normally sticking to drawing artworks and even featuring numerous times for you folks! In spite of this, they show off a ton of talent in this wonderful story staring a pair of heavyweight beauties with hungry tummies inspired by Five Buns Full!

Check out their DA: https://www.deviantart.com/remramwaluigi

And their Twitter: https://twitter.com/RemRamWaluigi


I hope I’m not running too late…

A chubby wrist turned to a watch clinging tightly around her skin. 6:02.

Pretty late… as usual…

The cramped sedan bumped unevenly down a rocky drive, bashing against the bottom as the overtaxed frame crawled over each pothole. Its driver was not pleased. Distracted by both her tardiness and her constant jiggle as the car shimmied with each bump, she was equally annoyed and frustrated.

It had been at least two years since Nino had seen Itsuki. A long stretch by any means, but made even more nerve-wracking and inconvenient by the woman’s new nature necessitating such a long travel break. Being a full-time mom had choked every available ounce of patience and time out of her. As if her stress wasn’t enough at the moment…

A few days ago, while getting her daughters ready for the day, serving out equal shares of pancakes (and a larger portion for herself, it seems she made too many) she gets a notification on her phone:

(Itsuki): Heyyy! Let’s meet up! See you at my new place this weekend? Saturday 5:30 sharp!! <3 <3

Below, Itsuki had attached the address to her house out in the city suburbs. It wasn’t even a new house, and Nino was sure she’d had the address written down somewhere… even if she’d never been able to visit…

Nino took a hesitant bite from her breakfast as she watched the messages scroll in. She had a moment just staring at her phone, a blank expression settling over her as the chaotic breakfast went on around her. She brought her thumbs to the phone.

Count me in, it will be great to see you too!

While her day going forwards was filled with schedules and moving her girls to and fro from school to activities, it was not enough to distract her from the oncoming embarrassment and…possible shame that was coming her way.

But as the day of their meeting approached, the feeling worsened. She felt a severe sense of guilt, and a terrific tremor of butterflies in her stomach. Or… was it just the fact that she was hungry? Or that her body was in a never-ending state of perpetual jiggling…

Regardless, today was going to be rough. Grabbing a small fistful of chocolates from her dash cupholder, she steeled herself as the outline of the house finally appeared from within the woods, the various cars of most of her siblings parked along the drive.

A tray of profiteroles in hand, Nino made the cumbersome move of heaving herself from the plush car seat, hearing the suspension sigh in relief as she stood, the car springing itself back to its normal height. The door bounced up and smacked her bottom, nearly sending her and her tray to the ground.

Sheesh! she grumbled, slamming the car door , a few errant chocolate wrappers spilling to the ground.

This was not the first time she had been warned by some otherworldly sign about her weight.

Just the other day, her belt had mysteriously shrunk almost overnight and, after a normal lunch, felt like it would pinch her in half!

And the door to her shower had a vendetta against her, she nearly got fully stuck getting in, her hips pinching the sides. She needed a full-body rub to soothe her tender skin… good thing Fuutarou was happy to oblige.

Maybe her weight had gotten out of control…just a bit. Maybe a lot.

Maybe that’s why she was so nervous…to see her sisters again.

She was fat, much fatter than even two years ago. She wondered just how much she dwarfed Itsuki, if she had finally surpassed her old weight. Nino shivered, remembering the modest amount of curves her sister seemed to have packed on overnight. all of her emotions seemed to boil down to just that simple point.

With a loud, shaky sigh, she rang the doorbell of the modest homestead. It was much more than what she expected; well-manicured lawn landscape around a one-story home with a garage next to it. How the hell did she afford something like this?

The door creaked open, and Nino peeked in. She saw a single flash of orange before the door finally opened itself even further.

Nino was agape, her mouth hung open briefly for a few moments as the figure moved into the frame of the door.

Well, most of it.

Behind the door, a bespectacled face peered with a nervous smile. It was her face, kind of, but more than that, it was Itsuki’s face too. There was just so much more… chubby cheeks, slightly flushed, a round and permanent double chin of pale pudge, and it all sat atop one of the most massive frames of a woman she had ever seen in person.

Every inch of fat made Nino’s eyebrows raise in reaction until they’d lifted into her bangs and seemed intent to escape her forehead. Itsuki’s massive, flowing hair disappeared behind a pair of elephantine thighs and trunk-like legs. Her stomach, barely contained in its sundress strained at the steams, easily the largest part of her swelling body. Her chest sat propped up by her orb of a stomach, and her arms were like large pale pillows. Even her face had plumped up considerably, her pink cheeks and double chin forced in an embarrassed smile.

“H-hey sis…”

Nino’s mouth opened and closed like a fish. Several things flooded her mind, the first being ‘HOW DID YOU GET EVEN WORSE?!’ but, perhaps due to the strength of motherly patience, she managed herself down to a simple but excitable…


Itsuki shifted on her feet, her body quaking from one side to the other like a waterbed. A tide of chubbiness, of warm pale pudge, and an easily identifiable sense that this girl also struggled with belts, and Nino’s bewilderment bolstered her own heat, drying away her fatty worries.

“I brought some profiteroles,” she said. “Figured I could… uh, well, explain my own figure a little better if I brought along a tray of creampuffs.” Nino’s smile, which really was more of a smirk, made Itsuki visibly squirm, her face flushing even deeper. Nino could swear she could hear the deepest of growls from her sister’s protruding middle.

“Oh, hey, yeah, great! Mmm they smell…profiterole-y.”

“What does that even mean.”

“Well, you know…Come in, come in!”

Itsuki’s home was, in a word, comfortable. It still looked new, or at least freshly cleaned. There were no torn bits of wallpaper, no stains on the carpet or marks of crayons soaked into the white-colored walls. The entryway opened into a huge living room with two extra-large leather recliners on either side of a table, a full black couch set against the far wall, but Nino’s eyes were immediately pulled to an immense loveseat that looked like it was almost the size of her car.

Only after her tummy emitted a soft noise of want that she noticed the still-steaming pastries put on a nearby tray with a large glass of milk. Vanilla glaze glistened from the sweet and swam into Nino’s porcine-tuned senses, with the scent tying this place back to her home.

“Did you learn how to cook?” she asked excitedly, looking around.

“N-no…” Itsuki’s blush brightened. “It was a simple… umm, just out of the box, really. I had extra vanilla glaze though, cause I…”

It was hard to truly describe the scope of Itsuki, a woman so fat that she made tapping her fingers look almost laborious. Fat-covered fingers and ham-filled arms had to reach around the curvature of the Earth, her biceps pushing in on her breasts and making the woman’s body lift and fall. It was like she’d run out of room on her own body, and the littlest gestures would take exceptional effort.

“H-here!” Itsuki brightened, “Let me show you my kitchen! You might like that more since… well, you know your way around… N-not that you-”

Nino cut her younger quintuplet sister off with a snort. “Yeah, yeah, I’m the size of a bus and the shape of dessert.” She moved lightly, waggling her hips and sending tremors of chub jiggling over the lip of her pants and bobbing her belly against the tray. “Fuutarou says that ‘I just need the energy,’ which, he’s not wrong! But I think breaking our scale made me less active, not more.”

Nino’s laugh kicked over, a joyful belly-wobble that bobbled up her chest and bounced out her throat in a husky, happy tone. Itsuki’s blush brightened, but she giggled a touch and a touch of the tension faded out from her shoulders.

“Here,” Nino said, “show me the kitchen! Gimme a spot to at least set these down.”

Itsuki bounced forward. Nino followed, and did not feel the need not to stare. Her sister’s waddle was impressive, her ass was full and heavy and huge. Itsuki quite clearly could not wear normal pants, instead now fitting into some stretchy material that tried to look as if it were denim, with big booty pockets as wide as Nino’s head. Her dress looked like it was pinched beneath a roll of fat near her arms and inside of her love handles, and Nino wondered for a moment what her own back looked like before they entered into the immaculate kitchen.

Neglected stainless pans hung stylishly from several hooks, an array of pots set atop of a sleek kitchen shelf. The oven was black, an electric stove as opposed to Nino’s old gas one, but her eyes snapped to an open drawer and she saw a sight that could have made most bakeries tear up.

Dessert toppings of all types and flavors were arranged on the shelve, candy roses and candles set near the top while tubes of sweet frosting had been positioned on the bottom. Nino noticed with a smirk and a glance to her sister’s flabby backside that a tube of vanilla seemed to have been recently emptied, and Nino knew exactly where all those calories would go.

She turned back to the kitchen at large, noticing the nice set of magnetic knives hanging openly on the wall and comparing them to the set she had to keep behind child-locked drawers after her sweet little gremlins had learned how to climb on the counters.

“This is a really nice place you have.” Nino said, marveling at the kitchen.

Itsuki turned her head, her face bunching up among the chub.

“Eheheh…thanks. I know this might look like overkill.”

“Maybe,” Nino winked, “but so do you, don’t you?”

Itsuki, very clearly, did not know how to process that. She looked for a moment like she might be insulted, but when Nino’s complimentary tone swam through, it made her finally match the color of her hair before lightly chuckling, brushing a long lock behind her ear. “Can I offer you anything?”

“Um… I could go for some tea?”

“Oh? Oh! Sure! I can do tea,” Itsuki looked around a few times before going to a cupboard, then another, clearly searching for a neglected teapot. “I’ll have to check what flavors I’ve got…”

As Itsuki put the kettle on, Nino set her tray of profiteroles down onto an empty bit of counter before, hands on her hips, she perused some of her sister’s dual-packed pantries.

The shelves were filled with all sorts of different and exotic junk food. Nino picked up a pack of what looked like chips. They didn’t even make these here, and another was in a foreign language.

No wonder she was so big.

“So, how’s all the girls, sis? They’re so cute in the pics I see online!”

“They’re…a handful. Luckily Fuutarou could watch them tonight…He’s good with them, but I feel like we’ve just been tagging in and…”

The memory of Fuutarou giving her a full belly massage flashed briefly in her mind.

“I couldn’t manage so many like that…” Itsuki breathed, “not now anyways. Ooh, these look good.”

Itsuki began munching on a profiterole just as the teakettle started to whine. She looked almost distraught for a moment, haunted by the idea of putting down the pastry, but Nino passed her and started pouring the set. It obviously pleased the bigger woman, who mumbled pleasantly through a mouthful of chocolate and cream before heading for the table.

Nino couldn’t help but snicker to herself hearing Itsuki’s chair crunch as her massive bottom plopped onto it.

She focused herself on pouring, trying and failing to push the sensation of a firm touch massaging her full, fatty midsection, “I love the girls, of course, but it’s like… well, it gets to be a bit taxing, you know?”

Itsuki could do nothing but nod as she reached for another profiterole mid-bite.

“Speaking of which…what have youbeen up to? You seem a bit…different?”

Itsuki swallowed. She looked to ground with an embarrassed smile.

“Well…You know how I’m a teacher?”


“And how I used to *ahem* review foods?”

“Uhh… I think so?”

Itsuki shoved another profiterole in her mouth.

“Well… it got kinda carried away. On my free time I… write reviews, but I’ve started my own cooking business on the side.”

Nino bit into one of her own puff pastries.

Slowly, she turned to look again at the kitchen. She saw the pans, easy to reach for and easier to clean. The pots, neatly arranged in such obvious positions. The knives had been polished, which meant they’d been used. A bakery in a cabinet, a kitchen in a kitchen. More and more, the kitchen reminded Nino of her café setup, and after another moment, that’s because Nino realized that it was.

Itsuki had positioned her island like Nino’s prep table was, the long stretch of counter set exactly as if it were about to tackle the mid-morning rush and to put up several more trays of increasingly fatty desserts.

But it was all nicer, too. Cookware that hadn’t seen a thousand wash cycles, walls and floors empty of the marks of time. It looked fresh, new, and absolutely perfect.

But Itsuki? Cooking?

She felt herself turning to her sister slow, blue eyes squinting in a watchful suspicion.

“W-what?” Itsuki winced, lips over a creampuff as big as her hands.

Nino’s eyes narrowed. “How’s my cooking?” she asked.

The response was immediate, and it pulled no punches. Sitting up straight… or, as straight as a woman the size of Itsuki could, the girl fixed her glasses and held up the morsal. She turned it round in her fingers, pudgy cheeks and fatter chin now proof of experience. “The dough is bit flaky. I think it could use more flour, and the cream is bit too liquid-y, maybe it should’ve had more time to cool?”

Nino glared at her sister.

“B-but still, pretty tasty!” Itsuki grimaced, putting the treat to her mouth and taking another big bite. “Heh.”

Nino took a bite for herself, chef’s mind twirling. She wasn’t a baker, that was more Miku’s thing, but she was a damn fine cook… however, her mind taking everything and applying it now, she knew that everything her sister said was unfortunately true.


Itsuki sat back in her seat, putting her hand to her mouth to cover while she chewed before swallowing. “So, I’ve been creating and experimenting, and, well, cooking! It’s been a lot of fun, even if… uhh… well, I’ve had to get new smoke detectors. And hire a cleaning service…”

Nino’s glare softened. “Did you start a fire??” she asked, bewildered.

Itsuki’s large blue eyes looked sheepish, innocent, and more than a little bit mischievous. “Maybe a few…” she laughed lightly before it ended in a soft piggy snort. “It’s all about experience! That’s what you used to say, isn’t it?”

“That is…” Nino folded her arms, pudgy lips puckering. “I’m just surprised, I guess. You were always way more interested in eating food rather than cooking.”

“W-well, that’s the thing…” Itsuki trailed off, looking again at the tray before taking another squishy treat. She rolled it around in her fingers, nose lifting and falling as she sniffed at the chocolatey scent, and when she took her next bite, her belly sagged between her fat thighs from the lushious sigh. “I got approached on my blog,” she said after chewing. “One of my outlits, they… well, I’m kinda writing my own cookbook.”

Slowly, frighteningly, hauntingly, a wolfish smile crawled over Nino’s lips. She could feel the sensation again on her stomach, a pair of arms wrapped around her middle lifting her up and down. Pressing against her in the shower, pinning her down atop their bed. She leaned in closer, feeling the teasing grin overwhelming her cheeks.

“Ohhh, I see,” Nino said. “Miss… May, wasn’t it? The foodie reviewer. I remember that now. You used to dress up in a costume so nobody would recognize you.”

She leaned forward and, ever so lightly, twanged the large lock of hair that permanent lock of hair that lifted up from her sister’s red mess.

Itsuki’s blush returned. “W-well, you know… it’s a big opportunity-”

“For a bigger foodie,” Nino said. She looked down at her sister, and stood up from her chair.

The color drained from Itsuki’s face as Nino approached, but the woman was too big, too fat. Even with Nino, who’d gotten used to being the fattest girl in the room, being so relatively weak, Itsuki couldn’t find her feet before Nino was close enough for the bellies to touch.

“I see how you slammed through your plateau now,” Nino smirked, reaching down with both paws to squeeze her sister’s wide gut. “You’ve been cooking for yourself non-stop, haven’t you?”

Itsuki blanched, but she could quite literally not reach low enough to where Nino’s hands now cupped and squeezed. So much belly, so much weight, so soft and sweet.

“I-it’s not that bad!” Itsuki denied, her huge legs kicking lightly but unable to lift with so much belly sitting atop of her knees. “P-please, stop. I-I-I’m-”

“It’s sensitive, isn’t it?” Nino’s grin grew sharper. “I warned, you, didn’t I? When you first blew up. Now I’m almost as big as you were, and you’re far bigger than that…”

Itsuki shuddered, ripples of jiggles against Nino’s palms. “I-I can be whatever-”

“Whatever size you want,” Nino finished. She lifted Itsuki’s belly, instead feeling as if she were having her own played with. She could feel a hundred feasts, a thousand dark nights with heavy breathing. “You like being like this, don’t you, Miss May?”

It had been too long, and like this, Nino could almost see herself where her sister sat.

Bigger, heavier, wearing custom-made pants and custom-made dresses. Heavy and soft, and fitting so perfectly to the palm of his hands.

Itsuki made a light gasp as Nino’s fingers tightened, her mouth opening and closing, still full of chocolate. “I know that I love it,” Nino admitted in a whisper. “The feeling of a warm, full belly? Of being soft and chubby and so very heavy~”

Itsuki’s blue eyes were unfocused but they suddenly sharpened before she brightened to a wonderful pink. “It’s…” she turned down, looking at herself. The sundress that covered a woman as round and as heavy as a cherry red giant.

Nino stepped back, letting her hands rove her own body. She realized, with a belly full of excitement, that she could barely reach past her own navel, and could feel the pinch of her love handles beneath her dough-covered arms. A part of her had been afraid, honestly. She’d grown so fat and so quickly, only a few short years from the start of her pregnancy into this hungry mama of five.

Nino’s belt didn’t fit. Her pants and her shirt barely closed over her waist. Her daughters used her as an obstacle in their games, running around her so fast that they’d make her exhausted just by looking at them. She didn’t overeat because she ‘accidentally made too much,’ Nino wanted to keep eating.

To be fed until she was full, and then to take her favorite dessert to bed and to bite her stupid wolf for making her wait so damn long.

“I… I guess  it’s gotten a bit out of… hand…” Itsuki murmured, but it only made Nino feel more excited. They were quintuplets! It her sister could turn herself into this, then surely Nino…

She turned, hand clunking down atop one of the creampuffs and tucking it into her mouth. She shoved it in fully, then another, and was almost wanting to try for a third before she realized she’d thudded her quarter-ton ass down back into her chair, and that she was sweating just from the thoughts in her head. Her chest lifted and fell, huffing for air. Tired, wheezing. Overweight, overheated, and wanting so much more.

Itsuki looked shaken, but obviously concerned. She slowly lifted herself up to her feet, plodding up to Nino’s side. “Are you… feeling okay?” she asked.

Nino looked at the plate of desserts, then slowly, her eyes went to Itsuki’s pantry. Through the mouthful of sugar, a stubborn anger colored her voice as she muttered, “I’m hungry…”

A few moments passed where Nino simply chewed, thinking of home and no longer seeing the kitchen. She loved her daughters, loved them more than anything, but it had been too long. Too fat from the last time they’d had five moments together, where she could unbutton his shirt and he’d help her burst out of hers. Her brain felt slow, her mind filled with cotton and craving, until her fingers came up empty on her tray, and a woman so full of love and fat found something hollow trying to crawl back inside her.

Until silence came to the urge with the scent of butter being fried on a grill.

Slowly, Nino turned to see Itsuki bobbing back and forth, humming some pleasant, childish tune as she bobbed back and forth like a woman less than a third her weight, wobbling her hips and patting her tummy as she stirred a half-stick of butter around in a sauce pan.

When she noticed Nino watching, Itsuki put a hand on her hip and gave her quintuplet a challenging look. “What?” she asked. “I said I was learning! You just keep your shirt on and I’ll have dinner for us soon. Glad I picked up so much, too. I knew that you’d end up being so fat.”

Her voice was challenging, obstinate, stubborn, but Itsuki flashed her sister a cheerful wink before stirring the butter several more times.

“Now, let me show you what the ‘meat bun monster’ has been getting up to.”


Through the course of the next hour or so, Nino caught up with her sister as she prepared their dinner. A dinner which,, more and more, resembled an entire buffet…

Nino might have spoken up, had the sights and smells not been weighing on her almost as heavily as the fat she’d covered herself with. Meal after meal, fatty indulgence after foodie feast, Nino couldn’t help but wonder if all of that gaining had been to prepare her for this. She was five times as heavy as a girl her size should reasonably be, waddling and jiggling and rumbling with hunger, but she still felt like she could be something more as she watched Itsuki whip up dishes from all across the spectrum.

The smell of the cooking was like a enrapturing serpent, lifting from the pots and the pans to wrap around hammy arms and meaty biceps. It rolled around their shoulders, tied itself tight around their overweight necks and tickled their chins before entering their noses, and Nino was losing the battle to hold back her wants and keep herself from visibly drooling.

Even so, much of the ingredients never even reached their final stage… A spoonful here, a fat ladle there, Itsuki took sip after sip and bite after bite, eating more than a full meal just by gobbling each half-made creation in every stage.

“Need to always taste-test at each stage,” she said, as if expecting her sister to put forward a challenge. “It’s a rule.”

‘A rule for butterballs,’ Nino thought unironically as she chewed on a buttered-up bread roll.

Soon, the platters began to accumulate. From fish-dishes to fried foods, Nino’s composure was tested as she ran her hand along the table and marveled at the craftsmanship.

Walking back and forth, she felt her tummy wobble as her eyes went from platter to plate. Eventually, with both of her hands covering her whining tummy, she let herself nod. “I’m… shocked, honestly. I never expected…” she waved a hand over the table, feeling the steam rising from the feast. “It’s a ton! Like, I don’t even think I could make this much all at once!”

“If you think this looks good, just wait for dessert,” Itsuki followed with a playful wink, adjusting her glasses. “That’s my specialty.”

The atmosphere, the heat, the mixing scents all complimenting one another, it was almost too much… but is there really such a thing when you’re already so big? Nino was fat. Leaning her weight into things usually had… delicious results…

Still, she noticed Itsuki’s heavy breathing, how she had to dab sweat from her red bangs with a washrag before taking the last dish off the stove and bringing it over to the table. Pasta, lovingly dotted with pieces of shrimp. A heavy breath, a pleasant sigh, she was almost out of breath but she just looked so…

Nino looked away, her eyes again scrolling over the table. Just looking at it made her feel… bigger. Anticipation coloring her vision, sensations caressing her belly. She swallowed herself, trying to be realistic. “You can’t seriously think we can finish all this.”

“Why not?”

Nino stared blankly. She didn’t have an answer for that.

Realism is boring. It’s one plate of fried pork covered with an unhealthy layer of barbeque sauce, with a side of steamed rice. Realism didn’t have seconds.

Realism didn’t have quintuplets.

Mama breathed, and when the serpent entered her lungs, she held the breath. She let it roll around inside of her, coasting over her body and down into her wanting belly. It made her feel hazy, giddy, and by the time she released it, she felt as if she’d wobbled a mile. It wasn’t that Nino had no willpower left to resist food’s temptation…

It's that this temptation was her fattest desire.

She picked up her fork and began the arduous process of dishing out a helping from each.

“Oh, here!” Itsuki said, moving towards the island. She leaned over, wide tummy folding into an impressive belly roll as she took out a pair of extra-large plates for the extra-large girls. She wobbled back, a cheery red blush coloring her cheeks. “I can serve! Sit down, sit down,” she instructed, moving behind Nino and pulling out one of the table’s chairs. “Don’t worry, I had the seats reinforced. And you’re providing enough cushion.”

“What the heck’s that mean?” Nino asked, lips folding.

Itsuki chuckled, a deep, heavy, piggy laugh. “I’m just happy that I fit in with my sister,” she grinned, then began moving over the table. She reached over a platter, taking up a large knife. “Try this,” she said, “and these dumplings… oh! And some of the Shepard’s pie here…! And…” she broke off, lifting a small porcelain boat and drizzling a thick brown substance over the top of Nino’s plate. “I love having a bit of gravy by its side too.”

“Ooh…” Nino sighed, her blue eyes going wide as the plate was put in front of her, scooching her seat up until she could reach, with her belly pressed into the table. “That looks great, gosh. That’s the sausage gravy?”

“Mhmm!” Itsuki gushed. She began preparing her own plate and Nino had to fight to hold herself back from digging in. It was only a minute, but it felt like ten until Itsuki set her plate down.

And then, she did something strange.

Itsuki picked up her seat on the other edge of the table, and began circling the square platform till she came to Nino’s side. It was obviously a big effort for the bigger woman, but she looked proud of herself as she set it down and then pulled the plate up to her tummy.

“I wish the others were here too…” she said, a touch of sadness in her voice. “I asked a couple, but I guess it was kind of last minute.”

Nino sighed. It had been awhile since they had all been together. Too long. Far, far too long.. She missed the companionship of being a quintuplet.

Then, a thought hit her.

“You know…” she said, turning her fork around in her fingers. “If you think you could make something like this, my place is big enough. We could have our own little party!”

“Really?” Itsuki lit up. “You think so?”

Nino winked. “You might have to make a bit more than this, though. That’ll be over ten people.”

The larger woman began to laugh. “Oh, that’s right. And if the girls are anything like their mother…”

“Hey!” Nino shouted, although she was grinning, “I’ll have you know, we’ve been really good about their diets!”

Itsuki leaned over, sticking a finger into Nino’s fat tummy. “Is it because you’re stealing all of their snacks?”

Nino’s belly wobbled as she cheerfully laughed. “The Mama tax is entirely fair! Those little buns turned me into this,” she folded a hand on her tummy, smiling with evil delight. “They can make a couple snack cake sacrifices to keep Mama happy~”


The meal itself was rather quiet, besides the satisfied grumbles and tinkering of plates. However, compared to the aftermath, it could have been totally silent.

‘Roouuggghhhlllghhlughh…’ Nino’s stomach warbled loudly in protest, quivering against the table and making her close her eyes against the bloated sensation.

She had loosened her belt halfway through the meal, letting it drop around her sides and drape over her chair. Her belly had been pushed to its limit, but something inside of her just couldn’t stop. Another serving had been placed on her plate and she’d eaten and eaten until she felt near collapse.

She truly had overindulged herself, and it was delicious. Every heavy movement, every tightness in her tummy. She could feel the cuffs on her wrists, the choker on her neck, but instead of her bindings it was simply her fat. Her mindless tongue danced over her lips catching any remnants not accounted for.

And, next to her, Itsuki looked even worse.

She’d turned herself away from the table from an apparent lack of room, facing towards the corner with her belly sagging between her bovine-sized thighs. She was stuffed, bloated, round and full, but like Nino, there was pleasure mixed inside of all of the pain. Eyes full of pride, a mouth full of food, a satisfied grin and a balmy swallow. The dress she wore strained around her middle, near where her breasts had pinched down the fabric. Nino could see the seams stretch as the final bite settled, and the bunnies matched each other with assuaged purrs.

Itsuki tried to say something, but it came out as a hiccup and a groan of complacency, hands dropping to lightly massage her own belly.

It made Nino’s grin sharpen, like looking into a mirror. “Now that…” she complimented, lifting her drink to Itsuki, “was a meal.”

Itsuki’s bright cheeks became brighter still, sweet piggy pink as she blushed. “I told ya,” she said. “I’ve had lots of practice!”

“Yeah, well, it’s paid off…” Nino stroked her stomach. The pressure was intense in the most wonderful way.

“Ready for dessert?”

Nino blinked. Slowly, she turned to Itsuki before realizing that the other girl was serious.

“Wha…? Y-you’re kidding, right?”

She wasn’t.

“How are…” Nino looked down at herself, her once-hungry belly now wobbling in a digestive lull. How much had she eaten? More than most women ate in the course of three days, and that was only one meal! But… how much could she eat?

She could eat more…

“Ohh, stop blushing,” Itsuki said, huffing loudly and struggling briefly as she used the table to stand. Her dress might have popped a stich at the armpit, and they’d never know over the noise of her tummy. “There’s always room for a little dessert, right?”

“I don’t think I know what a little dessert looks like anymore,” Nino said lowly, as familiar with the term as she was with her toes.

It made Itsuki tremble with a big belly laugh, which between the movement and that had her wheezing on the island, hands across her chest. “Ooohh, ooogh,” she mumbled, turning towards the side. “Ugh. Don’t… don’t make me laugh,” she wavered. “Ugh. Too much moving. I could just fall asleep in my chair, but I baked this special…”

She moved, and it was like watching a woman that weighed as much as a mountain. Wide hips and fat ass wobbling from side to side in a diagonal strut as she made for the fridge, up and down in the most mesmerizing way. To Nino’s shock and awe, Itsuki returned with another platter topped by a silver cover. She set it down between the pasta and the pie before lifting the top, and Nino could immediately smell the frosting as well as the chocolate of a splendidly decorated red-velvet cake. The chilled dough almost seemed to sparkle, with drizzled vanilla coating such fattening luxury.

One slice,” Nino said. Her pained body seemed to realize the threat and gave a whine protest, but the mouth-watering visage of that cake sent her to a new type of confidence.

Which was immediately stressed when Itsuki’s knife bisected the cake, and the fat chef hefted an entire half onto her plate with a sugary plop.

“Oi, oi!” Nino broke in, trying to sit up but only managing to get halfway before her belly pushed her back into a fatty-lean. “I said… ogh, only a SLICE!”

“It is.” Itsuki said, returning to the platter. She then lifted the second half and set it onto her own plate, lapping the frosting which clung to her fingers. “One slice for you, one for me! It’s rude to deny the host from serving dessert, y’know?”

Nino squinted, still leaning back with her hands on her tummy and her heart thumping heavily inside of her chest. “…You totally just made that up, didn’t you.”

“Maybe!” Itsuki shrugged, “but my house, so it’s my rules!”

Nino’s blue eyes turned down to her plate, which Itsuki now pressed closer until the frosting pressed against her own stressed dress. She gulped.

She couldn’t eat it. She couldn’t move! Her sister had used her as a… as a taste tester! She’d been fed like a cow, sampling each treat to get a reaction, and now she was expected to eat half of a cake?! It’s not like… it’s not like she wanted to, anyways!

Sure, it looked tasty. And the scent of the chocolate… Nino loved chocolate. It went so well with dinner, that’s why she carried those treats inside of her purse. A satiating sample of sweets, but this… this was too much!

Which is exactly why Nino was able to slowly pull herself forward. Two minutes, that’s how long her stomach had to anticipate the dessert before she picked up the plate, sagged back on her ass, and placed it atop of her stretched and stuffed stomach. Then, Nino cut the piece. She took the bite.

The cake deposited upon her tongue to a fanfare of love, even as hate made pain spike in her tummy. ‘You can’t eat this much!!’ her body whined, but Nino swallowed, and kept eating anyways.

The dough was cold, almost like the embrace of water on her furnace-hot belly. She hadn’t realized that she was sweating until the chill of the frosting came down to her stomach and invaded her chest. She could feel the heat as her body physically tried to cool itself off, but another spike of the more pleasureful pain made the fire inside Nino burn ever so brighter.

She wished he was here. Wished he could feed her. Then, she could do it. If he looked at her with his stupid smirk and his handsome blue eyes.

But heaven was a car ride away.

She put the fork down on her plate, breathing heavily through frosting and sugar, and let the joy free.

“I can’t,” she swallowed, putting the plate back onto the table. “I just… can’t…”

It upset her in a way she could not understand. It wasn’t gluttony that drove her, it wasn’t a desire to be the biggest and roundest and fullest redhead that a Mama could be. It was the tenderness that she missed, a ghost of a sensation that was left unfulfilled.

A half of her portion still remained on the plate.

“Aww…” Itsuki mumbled, swallowing her own bite. She blinked at Nino with her big, blue eyes. “Was it not good? I tried to add a bit of-”

“No, not-“ Nino cut herself off, holding up a fist. She felt as if she needed to cough but, with a bursting warble, Nino released a soft, satisfied, “Urp… Oggghhhhh…” she sagged back again in her seat, a droplet of sweat falling down to her nose. “I’m just… too full, Itsuki.”

“Ahhh... well, it’s okay! I’m sorta used to out-eating most people,” she said shamelessly.

It only took her a few minutes and some loud, heavy bites until Itsuki polished off her own plateful. It was like the woman just didn’t feel full, despite the noises that lifted up from her stomach or the silent-strains of her over-filled dress.

It took them five minutes to rise out of their seats, the weight of their feast impacting each of their bodies and pulling their senses into a full lethargy. Nino got up first, setting her plate atop of Itsuki’s and slowly waddling past the island and to the nearby trash can. She opened it up with her foot, seeing it’d mostly been filled with paper towels and plastic packaging, and she deposited her uneaten slice up on top.

Turning back, Nino sighed, feeling a big sad and defeated, but still a bit cheerful. “Itsuki…Thank you,” she nodded.

The big woman beamed, folding her hands across her chest as if hugging herself. “I think I finally get why you enjoyed cooking for us! Gosh, it just feels so rewarding!”

Nino sighed, “Ahhh, you dummy. Not just for the cooking.”

Itsuki paused, blue eyes blinking as she tilted her head. “Oh?”

“Yeah. Tonight’s just been… well, it’s been nice.” She came closer, leaning an arm on a chair to support her glutted weight and straining legs. “I really need a getaway. From, well, life and… everything.”

That seemed to make Itsuki worry, eyebrows tilting up in a way that almost made Nino laugh.

“Ahh, come here,” Nino mumbled. “I’m fine, it’s just… don’t really have a day off, you know?” She reached over and gave her sister a side hug. She was, as Nino expected, exceptionally plush.

“Well… hey!” Itsuki said brightly, ”You’re welcome here anytime!”

Nino snorted, pinching her sister’s love handles and giving her a wink. “I don’t think that’d be good for my waistline. Or yours for that matter.”

“H-hey now…”

Nino felt a vibration in her shirt and a soft tune began to lift up from her breasts. It nearly handicapped her, the pure sensation on such a sensitive area with a woman so wanting, but she straightened her legs and lifted the hem to look down her shirt. From between her chest she pulled her cellphone. It was warm, covered with sweat, and displayed a picture of a man with five little redheaded girls swarming him, each wearing their own version of his wolfish smile.

“Mind if I take this real quick?” she asked.

“Only if you let me say hi when you’re done!!” Itsuki winked.

Nino rolled her eyes and made her way from the kitchen to the living room, unlocking her phone with a simple swipe of her thumb.

“Hey,” Nino brushed a strand of hair from her face and rubbed at her nose.

Silence came from the other side.

Nino lifted the phone from her ear, checking that she had even opened it before his voice came through.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

Nino sighed. “Fuutarou.. it’s nothing, just-”

“Don’t lie. You never answer so briefly.”

Another sigh, deeper this time. Nino went to the window.

The sun had already set over the city’s skyline. Darkness had come to Hachinomori, and Nino felt her heart beating like a stressed little bunny.

“I’ve just…” she leaned into the windowsill. “I don’t know. I miss you, I think.”

Fuutarou chuckled. It was a soft noise, a pleasant noise. “You think?”

“Shut up,” Nino said, sticking out her tongue. “Not like… I don’t know.” She looked over her shoulder to see if Itsuki was behind her before turning back to the phone. “How are the girls?” she asked.

“They’re all in bed. At least, for now. But you’re changing the subject.”

Nino grunted. She walked further away from the kitchen, feeling the mixing sensations of worry, angst, and desire in her stomach. “Alright, fine,” she whispered. “I’m just… I ate a lot, okay? Itsuki cooked this massive dinner, and it just made me think about… you know…”

Another moment of silence and then, suddenly, Fuutarou was laughing. It was a quite laugh, muffled by his hand, but it made Nino’s blush heat up. She was about to yell at him before he whispered, “Thinking about us, eh?”

Nino breathed out, the worry going with it and being replaced with a gracious understanding. “Yeah, well, it’s been a while!”

“It’s been like two months,” Fuutarou replied with a smirk in his voice.

“Do you know how long that is?!” Nino asked.

“Somewhere about two months.”

“Shut it, you,” Nino grumbled. It was matched by the noise from her stomach. “It’s not just…” she looked once more for Itsuki before whispering, “It’s not just about making love, okay? I wanna go out.”

“Hmm? I mean, sure, that shouldn’t be a-”

“A date,” Nino cut him off. “Just us. And… and with a hotel for the night.”

A brief pause. “A hotel?”

Nino turned, hissing into the phone. “I want to be loud.”

She could hear him swallow, but the heat was taking over. Little blue hearts danced in her eyes.

“I want you to bring chocolates, and cake, and whipped cream, and I-I-I want to… I want you to cuff me, and to-” her chest was lifting and falling in rapid succession. “I want you to feed me,” she said. “I ate so much tonight that I look like a frickin’ manatee. And I want you to make me worse.”

A sigh came through, which lifted into a cheerful hum. “You? The little bunny? As big as a manatee? Well, I guess there was the time with the shower-”

“Don’t bring that up,” Nino blushed, “God, I wanted to that night but the girls are so close to our bedroom and-”

“That sounds fine, Snowball,” Fuutarou breathed. “Alright. A date and a hotel. We can see about a sitter tomorrow.”

Nino felt her bunny-heart pattered. “O-okay,” she nodded. “Okay. Good.”

“How’s everything else?” he asked. “You said Itsuki cooked?”


“And you ate it?”

“Don’t be mean,” she chided. “She’s gotten way better. You should have seen it.”

He chuckled. “From the sound of it, I wish I could have.”

“God…” for the fourth time, Nino looked back towards the kitchen. “You wouldn’t believe how big she’s gotten, too,” she whispered.

“Who? Itsuki?”

Nino glared at her phone. “Who else?”

“Yeah, I guess that was a stupid question. Especially since I knew she’d gained weight.”

Nino straightened up. “You what?!”

“How is that news?” he asked. “Don’t you follow her blog? She’s eaten at every restaurant in Japan by now.”

“I-I haven’t checked it in a while!” Nino complained, turning brighter by the moment.

“Oh, well, yeah, she got a deal to publish a cookbook so I just kinda figured-“

“Ugh, you jerk. I told you I was worried!”

She could hear him roll his eyes. “You’ve got nothing to worry about.”

“Well I know that now!!”

“No, idiot. Why would you worry about being big? You like being the way you are, don’t you?”

Nino flushed. “W-well, I mean-”

“You’re fat, Nino. You know it, I know it, it’s pretty hard to miss. It’s never bothered you before, has it?”

She found herself frowning, leaning against the wall by the window. “I mean… no…” she sighed. “It’s just… I don’t know. Maybe I’m not feeling so confident, alright?”

“And you think a date night might help with that?”

“I don’t know… maybe?”

She could hear him moving through the phone, and assumed he was moving into their own living room to sit on the couch. It was then that she was surprised to hear a door close, and the low, hair-raising, body-trembling growl of a hungry wolf.

“Then you better bring your appetite,” Fuutarou whispered, “because when I’m done with you, you won’t be able to walk. Fatass.”

Nino blinked, her fluttering heart skipping a beat before a gust of hot air suddenly lifted into her chest. She opened her mouth to deliver a heated retort, but was completely silenced by the abrupt sound of the dial as her husband hung up.

“HEY!!!” Nino yelled at her phone.

She started dialing him back, not even knowing what she was going to say but, for some reason, the thing that seemed to matter the most was that Itsuki had asked to say hi. Her feet thumped as she loudly stomped her way back to the kitchen, snapping around the wall just as he answered the phone.

“You asshole! My sister asked to…” Nino trailed off, staring at Itsuki, who was now staring at her.

The massive woman was as red and as round as an obese cherry, standing over the open trash can with the hunk of uneaten red velvet cake inside of a meaty paw.

“I-it’s not…” Itsuki said hurriedly, looking between the can and her sister. Her lips were dotted with white frosting, cheeks sprinkled with flecks of the red cake. She trembled before whining, “It was still good! You can’t just…!”

“Nino?” Fuutarou’s voice came through. “What’s going on?”

Nino’s mouth had fallen open, turning from Itsuki to the open lid. She saw the paper towels and empty packaging again, then squinted up at Itsuki. “Are you… eating… out of the trash…?”

“It wasn’t in the trash!” Itsuki warbled. “I-it was on top, see?!”

Nino stared, not looking at Itsuki’s emphatic gestures towards the top of the can.

“You were gonna waste it! It’s not like… it’s not dirty or anything!”

“It’s the trash can!”

From Nino’s hand, she heard a deep, heavy laugh start to come out of her phone. She hung up on her bastard of a husband, intending to flatten him later, before coming back into the kitchen.

Itsuki sniffled, holding up the paw full of cake. “It’s not- I mean, it’s like… you shouldn’t waste cake! You didn’t even offer it to me!”

Nino put her face in her hand, rubbing it lightly, but she found herself smiling, then found herself laughing just like her husband.

“Oh God,” Itsuki wobbled back and forth. “Listen, it’s not even that bad! Wasting it would have been way worse, right!”

Nino tucked her hand over her face, but she began laughing harder. She came up alongside Itsuki and put an arm around her, leaning into a hug and feeling her laughter trembling both of the girls. By the time she pulled back, she saw how chubby and round and fat her sister was, and how soft and squishy her fatty hug was.

“Don’t do that,” Nino guffawed. “Gimmie.”

Itsuki’s blush deepened but she did as Nino instructed, giving her the clumped-up handful of cake. Nino opened the trash and dropped it in, shaking her head but grinning widely. “Goodness,” she sighed. “I might have known.”

She looked back to her sister who was tapping her fingers together, only tightening the comparison and making Nino smile tighter. “Come on,” she said, taking her sister by the arm and leading her toward the pantry. “You must have something else sweet for your tummy to eat.”


“Come back anytime!! Hopefully next time we can have a real reunion.”

Nino cradled her belly, further filled with several more snack cakes and three cups of tea, as she waddled to the front door.

“Yeah. And I can have more of those fried dumplings. And see you of course.”

Itsuki rolled her eyes. “Har har.”

“Seriously though,” Nino breathed, “Thanks for tonight. You… I think it was good. Taking a step back, I think it helped me see the big picture.”

“I always think better on a full stomach,” Itsuki grinned.

Nino turned to hug her sister, or at least try to, but more or less made an awkward sandwich of the two stuffed bodies.

Itsuki started slowly. “And… thanks, to you too. I know I can be… well, I’m a little odd I guess.”

“A little?”

Itsuki stuck out her tongue in a fat raspberry, making Nino giggle. “I’m just happy I can be at least a little comfortable with myself. Like… I’m not some fatassed weirdo for enjoying… this.”

Nino snorted, her smile growing bigger. “Same here.”

As Nino’s car sagged with her weight once again, she was happy she came away with one lesson:

Always save room for dessert.



WOW. No joke, that is fantastic. I can't wait to see the rest, if they're anywhere as good as this! I made audible satisfaction noises (such as "wow") while reading this. That's how well-written it is.


Wow this was very good. RemRam really nailed increasing tension before the event without sacrificing pacing. Believable dialogue, lovely and exciting descriptors with real energy behind them, and likeable characters with the perfect amount of "literary" fluff. I honestly only realized it wasn't undertaker33 by style and not quality. A fantastic entry.