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Artwork suggestions are now open! Suggest any story related artwork that you would like to see provided down below! The artwork can be for a story that has never received art, or it can be something that has been depicted before but with a new twist!

Suggestions will be accepted until Saturday, June 26th, and the poll will be posted then!!

As usual, the conditions are

* One suggestion per user

* Must be related to story content in some way



I suggest artwork of Tempered Flames; specifically the scene where Astrid and Heather observe the chubby Ruffnut.


My suggestion will be for Chocolate Mines, Emi feeding the immobilized Lilly at the chocolate reservoir!


FBF where they’re at the restaurant thinking about the different ways 5s come up in their lives


OPL. Tifa trying in vain to fit into her old outfit


"I am once again asking for Chika and Kaguya fighting over a crêpe." Bernie Sanders, probably. ( From Dessert Warfare 2, preferably after Chika's swimsuit malfunction)


Meroune's fat self stuck in the net from part 3 of Monster House