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This super classy, sexy set is coming to the NSFW $45+ tiers in the next few days! There was a bit of a delay in the release of this set as my photo editor (Kian) has a wrist injury which prevents him from being able to edit for long periods of time! But it is coming soon so keep your eyes peeled!!

Just a lil update, sorry if TMI and stuff <3

This month I have been struggling a bit mentally and I don't really like talking about it especially on here as my main goal is to bring a smile to your face and make you happy, I would hate to bring you down at all but I just wanted to touch base and let you know that I am okay, but I struggle with Ovarian cysts almost every month and they really affect my mood swings hormonally so I am a bit of an emotional bean a lot of the time because of it and that's why I seem a bit quiet at times or cancel my Twitch streams. Anywhoo I won't speak any more on it, I'm working on trying to manage it a bit more but yeee at least it gives you a little insight to me and stuff :) 

Have a WONDERFUL day! I truly appreciate you <3 xoxox




Awesome costume, you are incredibly beautiful! I hope you will cope with your health problem. In any case, I sincerely wish you this.


Love & Light