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Chapter 165

Torch watched as Quill was teleported out and wished her character wasn't supposed to be so reserved. He had worked so hard on [Sword Rain], and seeing it end the fight so decisively made her ecstatic. She wanted to join everyone else in the stadium and shout at the top of her lungs.

Even Light, as he reappeared, riled up the crowd with an enthusiasm that she felt almost matched her own, “If that doesn't make the top ten moments of this tournament, I’ll eat my mask. Can we get some other good fights, or did we reach the climax early?”

Shadow, even though she was more serious, added, “The real question is, can Torch match her partner's prowess? Let's find out as she fights Rewind. If she loses here, they won't be able to both take first place, and their bragging will be for naught.”

That brought everyone's attention to Torch and Rewind, who were sitting in the waiting boxes.

Rewind winked and put her thumb down to Torch, who ignored her.

Rewind would be an annoying opponent, but she had her own trump cards ready for any situation.

Any single element user had their counters, and anyone at their level would have counters to the counters. Torch had taken a page out of Duke Waters’ book, and had selected specific skills to ensure that no one could easily subvert her fire skills.

Stepping forward, she gestured for Rewind to go ahead of her and bowed slightly.

Her stupid supporters started cheering at that, but she ignored them.

Rewind was one of her biggest problem opponents in the tournament, with her fire abilities having little physical stopping power.

Rewind had proven time and time again that she was nearly immune to being burnt or drowned. You couldn't really kill her, and had to trap her long enough for the five minute countdown to take her out of the fight.

Just killing her did nothing, as far as anyone could tell.

Fire skills were bad at locking people down, considering the flames were made out of energy.

Stepping into the ring, Torch withdrew her spear and a flame ran down the haft of the weapon, engulfing the entire spear.

Rewind drew her short sword and dagger combo, and the instant the ref counted down, rushed at Torch.

Not letting an easy opportunity to test how Rewind's Talent worked pass by, she pointed her spear and sent a bar of fire at the charging woman.

As she ran through the flames, Torch watched the woman's exposed flesh on her neck and hands char, then return to normal a second later.

Knowing it was a waste, Torch stopped the stream of flame and launched herself into the air.

Rewind did the same, but Torch was faster, even with her heavier armor.

Torch blocked the first strike with the haft of her spear and flew to the side to avoid the sword aimed at her weaker midsection armor.

She noticed that she was stronger than Rewind, but the woman's absurd Talent made her more than willing to take any hit in order to make her opponent bleed as well.

Sending her spear into the air and controlling it with [Blood Manipulation], Torch caught the dagger wielding hand at the wrist. Using the boost that came from her Blood Alchemy, she squeezed as hard as she could.

Bone shattered to powder. Rewind seemed unbothered, and tried to bring her main weapon around to strike Torch, but that arm was also caught.

Through her gloves, Torch felt the bones that were ground down to fine powder start to reform, pushing even her strength enhanced fist open. Squeezing once again, Torch shattered the reformed bones, but this time, she planted her boot on Rewind's chest and shoved while pulling her opponent’s shattered wrists.

Flesh tore, and Rewind went flying with a spray of blood that Torch was oh so tempted to grab and wrap around the woman. But she just watched on as Rewind’s hands reformed before she even hit the ground.

Interestingly enough, the scraps of torn flesh in her hands didn’t disappear or vanish in any way.

Seeing that ripping her to shreds wouldn't work either, Torch tossed the limbs aside just as Rewind pulled out a second set of weapons and charged at her.

She wanted to avoid showing any more of her trump cards than she needed to, so Torch braced herself for her opponent’s next charge.

She blocked Rewind's chop at her head with her arm, and exploded into a pillar of flame as the dagger-wielding hand drove towards her stomach.

Torch thrust the spear through Rewind's chest, but the woman's Talent kicked in, and it was expelled from her body as the flesh mended.

Before she could react, Torch kicked Rewind in the chest, sending her smashing into the ground for a second time.

Even with the woman's body exploding on the impact, she quickly returned to normal. After recovering, she looked as if she was going to take off into the air, but Torch already had her next attack ready to go.

With [Earth Manipulation], she quickly sent a layer of stone flowing over Rewind’s legs, chest, and arms. As the stone covered her head, Rewind made her mask smile up at Torch, who just watched until she could no longer see.

As she expected, her skill ran into resistance as Rewind used [Earth Swim] to slip through the encasing stone.

The skill was a Tier 14 skill that allowed anyone to move through stone and earth as if they were water. It was one of the most effective ways of escaping such a trap.

But Torch had been faster.

The instant Rewind had her vision blocked, she had cast [Create Water] right over the tomb and flash froze it with a potion. It was an incredibly expensive tincture made from a Tier 13 ice lily, but seeing the ice grow thicker and thicker was worth the cost.

Rewind ran into the thick slab of ice and pounded on it from inside the stone, but seeing that her opponent remained trapped, Torch smiled.

Her strategy almost worked, but Rewind hardly an amateur. She used [Earth Swim] to pass through the remaining stone and under the ice.

Torch tried to slow her down long enough for the still growing ice to cover the entire arena floor, but Rewind was faster, and escaped right before the ice reached the edge.

Brushing herself off, she called up to Torch, “Using ice seems against the archetype, and it’s really unfair. I was not prepared for that one.”

Torch remained standing in the air, and directed her flaming spear at the talking woman.

Rewind dodged the attack and launched herself into the air at Torch, who met her sword with a fist covered in fire.

When Rewind was once again thrown away, Torch charged after her and slammed them both into the now thick layer of ice that covered the arena floor.

Rewind looked like she was going to say something, but Torch used her cloak and unleashed a wave of fire over the now frozen over area.

Steam washed over them and scalded Rewind's lightly armored form, while Liz had her full plate and enchantments to block the attack.

For the first time, Torch heard Rewind scream in pain, but it still wasn’t enough to take the woman out of the fight. In response, Torch received a punch to her armored face that rocked her back.

Growling, she returned the favor as flames enveloped them.

Escaping back underground, Rewind fled the overheated water while Torch took back to the sky.

Cursing internally,  Torch realized that she would need to resort to another one of her trump cards. She hoped that freezing the arena would be enough to end this fight, and she had been saving this next one for Queen. But at this point, she wasn’t sure if she could beat Rewind without it.

The only thing working in her favor was that Rewind couldn't hide forever. Eventually, it would result in her losing the fight.

As Rewind plotted her next move underground, Torch started to extract the blood iron from her body and bring it to gather around her fist.

Super heating the iron to a red hot state was hard, especially when she needed split her attention to maintain [Blood Manipulation] in order to keep control of it. But she had practiced this enough; maintaining several skills was almost second nature.

Luna would only allow Torch to use the attack from Liz’s kit under one condition; she had to make it seem like she was simply using a metal manipulation skill. In other words, her timing had to be perfect.

When Rewind came out of the ground, Torch flared up the flames surrounded her now molten metal-encompassed fist, and rushed to meet the woman in mid-air.

When her fist met Rewind's blade, she sent the blood inside the molten metal to swarm over her opponents entire body, just like she had previously with [Earth Manipulation].

Torch needed to send a constant stream of blood into the core of the molten metal to keep it under her control, but the burned blood could be recovered after the fight.

Rewind dropped her blades, and with bare hands, tried to tear at the glowing liquid metal that covered her face. It did little more than help spread the molten iron while burning her hands.

Torch used one hand to direct the metal, and a second to unleash a [Flamethrower] on  it to keep it liquid. Sadly, she didn’t have an endless mana pool like Matt, and quickly had to cut the stream of flames off. Even with her bloodline making fire spells stronger, the skill was too expensive for extended use.

But it was enough, and in a few seconds, Rewind was encased in molten iron.

Torch raised an eyebrow when she wasn’t immediately declared the victor, but apparently, having molten metal plastered all over her skin wasn't enough to endanger Rewind's life.

Shrugging, Torch cast [Create Water] over the red metal and let her blood inside the metal boil off.

With the new hard shell of iron out of her control, it plummeted fifteen feet to the ground, and the five-minute countdown for a trap victory started.

Torch almost expected Rewind to have some way to escape the metal prison, but five minutes later, the referee pulled Rewind’s metal blob away, and she was crowned the victor.

Returning to her seat, Torch didn’t forget to shoot a look at Light for theatrics' sake.

He didn’t pretend to miss it and called out, “After that stunning victory by Torch, I believe we all have a better appreciation of what it means to be able to hold their own. I have to eat my earlier statement for sure. At this rate, can anyone stop the power duo of Quill and Torch? Maybe tomorrow's team battle will give us an answer! They’re up against the ever mysterious Numbers team, after all.”

Torch just sat down and waited for Quill to join her, which he did not long after. Queen followed him out shortly, and thankfully didn’t seem too upset by her loss. If they were going to brave what essentially amounted to a hellscape together, her holding a grudge could spell an early end to their collaboration.

The quiet woman was apparently in a good mood, as she quipped to Torch through their AI, “Good thing Rewind forced your hand. That might have worked on me if I wasn’t aware of it.”

Torch sighed and quipped right back, “Yeah well, she was annoyingly persistent in not wanting to die. That Talent is monstrous. I figured there had to be a weakness, but I couldn't find it. Her healing pushed my spear out of her chest, despite my best efforts in trying to keep in there.”

Quill, next to her, kicked his feet up and shrugged. “Easy fight for me, to be honest. I'm more worried about Adam. I still don't know how he gets past people's defenses like that.”

Liz nodded to that, along with Queen. Adam was more than the typical illusionist.

Even though their fights were done for the day, none of them left, as they wanted to see how the rest of the contestants fought. The three of them were going to take any advantage they could from watching each battle.

Liz was impressed by a few of the contenders, but no one stood out to her more than they already had. At least, none except for Annie.

The assassin in training was proving to be a terror to all who faced her. With her new Concept, along with her invisibility and intangibility Talent, only one person had managed to take her down in their fifteen out of fifty matches. That ranking left her tied for second place with three other people.

She had turned into quite the monster, seemingly overnight.


The next day, Quill and Torch were forced to sit around until late afternoon, when their battle with the Numbers squad would commence.

The golden ratio team, at least publicly, was a very standard team. Thirty-Four was their mage, Fifty-Five was their archer, Thirteen was their melee damage dealer, and Twenty-One was their melee frontliner.

But Zeran and Feri had already proven that they were hiding their true abilities.

As they were lowered into the arena, Quill readied his battle plan, preemptively putting on his cloak, but keeping the rest of his talisman armor in reserve. The periphery armors were too expensive for their more limited use, and he didn’t think that those uses would be needed here. With Torch there to back him up, he would be able to stay true to his role as a mage, unlike in the solo fights, where he needed to do a little bit of everything.

When the fight started, he whipped out half a dozen talismans to give Torch some free fire to control. But as the first of the talismans were activating, Thirteen, the rapier wielder, screamed.

Reality seemed to warp slightly as she shouted, “I command the world to not burn!”

The fires that did exist immediately shrunk down to marble-sized orbs and quickly extinguished themselves. Torch's spear and armor dimmed and sputtered down to a tiny flame. Even the runes that were embedded into her armor to spread the fire around flickered as they tried to function.

Above Thirteen, a large flame illusion sputtered and flickered. With his spiritual sense, Quill felt that the illusionary flame was sucking in all the fire around them like a heat sink. Despite her decree, the fires didn’t completely go out, but most of their power was extinguished.

It was a very interesting Talent, but it wouldn't be half as effective against Torch as they hoped.

Without pausing, the two of them ran forward, but they were once again surprised as the frontliner, Twenty-One, exploded into a swamp-like creature. The disfigured form was ten feet tall, and was seemingly made up of mud and decaying tree branches.

He swung his oversized fist at Torch, but she met the attack with her spear and cut a furrow into the bark of his hand, before dodging a thrust from the flanking rapier wielder.

The numbers team wasn't holding anything back, so they were forced to return the favor.

As Quill passed the opposing team’s melee fighters to attack their back line, he saw Torch kick up and back, catching Thirteen in a surprise uppercut as the rapier wielder tried to intercept him.

From his talisman cloak, Quill summoned a barrier of mana that floated in front of him and caught the first wave of bullets that Fifty-Five shot at him. He mentally noted that the gunman was using higher Tier bullets from the start, but was surprised at the explosions on each impact.

It took his AI a few rounds to understand exactly what the man had done, and Quill had to give it to him for thinking outside the box. After watching Fifty-Five break out his guns for the first time, Quill had researched everything he could about the weapon. He was able to piece together enough information to understand the mechanics behind Fifty-Five’s fighting style. The gunman had enchanted his bullets, despite it being such an extensive time and money investment into disposable items. It wasn’t unheard of for a gun wielder to do, but it was a rare subset of an already obscure weapon.

Archers did it much more commonly, as arrows could at least be picked back up, as long as they weren’t destroyed. But once a bullet was fired, it became scrap metal. To reuse a bullet, you would have to to melt it down and recast it, which would destroy any enchantments laid into the metal.

Still, Fifty-Five had enchanted his bullets to the gills with durability runes. Normally,it was an idiotic move, since once the enchantment was pushed to its limit, the item would explode. But with already combustible bullets, the runes turned them into small explosives on impact.

Preemptively casting another shield, in case Fifty-Five switched to a more armor-piercing round, Quill closed the distance from the gunman and mage through the torrent of bullets. He was almost on them, and had already thrown out two [Wind Blade] talismans when a rune appeared in the air in front of the mage, Thirty-Four.

He was just barely able to recognize it as a wind and reflect rune layered on top of each other before his attacks were sent flying back at him.

Quill was fast enough to dodge both attacks, but Thirty-Four had created another rune behind himself that sent out a stream of ice.

A preemptive blast of mana into his cloak activated an earth barrier, with a secondary but weaker wind barrier under it, just in time to catch the bullets trying to kill him.

Well, that answers what the rest of the team was hiding.

Thirty-Four was able to project runes into the air to create intense magical effects. Fifty-Five was a gunman with an emphasis on dexterity. Thirteen was a melee fighter who was able to stop a single elemental type in an area around her, and Twenty-One was a shapeshifter who could turn into a swamp or bog. Quill wasn't really sure if there was any difference.

Now that he knew their real capabilities, Quill threw down an [Earth Lock] talisman to prevent any attack that Thirty-Four tried to use. It was really just a [Earth Manipulation] talisman that was programmed to hold things still, but it was effective.

He loaded a talisman array before he burst from his protective prison, and activated the spells inside.

Thirteen might be able to stop fire spells, but Quill was a talisman fighter, so they had to be prepared for everything. On top of that, one thing that he had learned through his experience with enchanting was that phrasing for Thirteen’s kind of abilities mattered.

Thirteen had said the world should not burn, but fire was a byproduct of things burning. Things burned because they had too much energy.

Quill just needed to gather all the heat energy in the arena for Torch to use.

They even had prepared an array for this ahead of time, though they had originally made it so that Torch could use all of the fire mana in a volcano when she was first training. It was supposed to be used to greatly empower her fire skills, and as a countermeasure for Aster being hard countered by the environment.

As Quill spun, he threw a talisman in the direction of where Torch was fighting.

Despite Thirteen and Twenty-One's best efforts, the parchment landed, and stuck to her chest.

At the same time, the other five talismans spread throughout the arena, and started to absorb all of the fire mana in the vicinity.

Despite Thirteen’s Talent suppressing the mana, it was still present in the arena. As the array activated, all of the mana gathered into the talismans, and then transferred to Torch and her armor.

Dodging a mass of wind blades, Quill saw Torch’s armor flare to life and engulf her in flames. His mask grinned as the numbers shirked back from the intensity of the flames. He didn't have time for any… more in depth theatics during a fight this intense, but he got the message across.

They needed to keep up the pretense that her physical strength increased with the more fire she had under her control. Now, Torch had all the fire mana in the arena.

As bullets slammed into his barrier, he threw up half a dozen other talismans that bloomed into stylized flowers of flame.

They were only hand sized under the suppression effect of Thirteen's Talent, but they still produced a ton of fire mana for Torch to use.

Matt had made them on a whim when Liz quipped that Torch should have fire flowers to fit the jokes floating around, as they could sell them for a stupid amount of points to all the people in her fan club. He just wished that he could hear the crowd through the formations blocking the arena off. Except now, they were actually useful, instead of the decorative money-makers they were intended to be.

Now able to focus on his own fight, Quill threw out half a dozen [Wind Blade] talismans at Fifty-Five, who had tried to flank his barriers while he helped Torch. His barriers were mostly full spheres, which made the tactic essentially useless, and only put the gunman out of range for Thirty-Four's cover.

Even with a dozen attacks, Fifty-Five dodged and wove through the spells with flexibility that even Queen couldn't match at her full power, like when she was evading his [Sword Rain].

Landing right as Thirty-Four created a fall and heavy rune to suppress his flight, Quill had to laugh. Thirty-Four's Talent was unique and interesting, but their attacks were easily readable by any enchanter, or anyone who had downloaded a rune dictionary.

At least, at the early Tiers, those were easily available and were a hard counter to the mage’s style.

It didn’t mean that he was a pushover, though; the mage’s team worked well to cover up his Talent’s weaknesses. Fifty-Five increased his rapid-fire attacks while the mage was creating his runes to provide covering fire.

As the gunman changed bullets to penetrate the wall of ice that Quill put up, he prepared his own attack from behind his cover. But right as he was about to cast the talisman array, he paused slightly.

Fifty-Five changed his bullets to a more penetrative one, yes, but he hadn’t been shooting with both guns.

His second gun had shot a number of bullets at Thirty-Four, who had a pause rune to capture the bullets and create a protective shell around his more vulnerable partner.

With his idea to rush the mage no longer a good one, Quill tossed a talisman behind himself so Torch could knock the swamp man into it. The resulting explosion blew the ice wall to powder, and Thirteen tried to pivot and attack Quill, but Torch hit the woman with a flaming fist, and Quill used the distraction to strike the woman with a [Jolt].

Separating as the swamp man stood back up, Quill jumped away and threw out a number of [Wind Blade]s that Torch dodged, but the others in the arena didn't.

The gunman tried to shoot at Torch, but Quill sent a barrage of [Earth Spear]s at him, bringing his attention back to Quill.

They were fighting fine, but they were stifled by the anti-fire effects of Thirteen’s Talent, which removed most of the fire from the arena. At that point, the path to changing the tide of the battle was clear. They needed to take the mage out of the picture, so they could then shift focus to the element nullifying melee fighter. Quill activated his strength-increasing talisman and rushed Thirteen with a fist encased in metal mana. The numbered mask smiled as Quill approached, and the rune for halt dissolved right in front of him. Suddenly, all of the captured bullets that had been suspended in air resumed their momentum.

Right as he was about to dodge, he felt air and space try to restrict him as a second rune appeared. However, he had long practice with breaking such restrictions with his Concept, and his momentum didn’t even slow. Powering through the resistance with his willpower, Quill’s gauntleted fist crashed into Thirty-Four’s chest, and he felt their ribs shatter under the impact.

He was unable to effectively follow up with another attack, as Fifty-Five rushed close and unleashed a barrage of bullets that all grew in size as they approached. Quill’s defensive spells were quickly overwhelmed, and he needed to stop and withdraw another set of protective talismans that were effective against physical attacks.

The mage struggled to their feet, but coughed up blood twice before they created a healing rune. It was almost amusing to see his [Bandage] rune being used by his opponents.

Needing to stop the seemingly unending stream of bullets that Fifty-Five kept sending at him, he threw out two [Create Water] talismans and then froze them once the arena was covered in water.

It forced all of them into the air and stifled most of Fifty-Five’s acrobatics, allowing Quill to focus on him. He quickly overwhelmed the man's defenses and cut through his coat and thin armor.

He was going to cast a [Hail] array to trap the gunman, but the wounded mage cast a disruption rune that interrupted Quill’s talisman casting.

Cursing, Quill changed his target to the gunman when Thirty-Four unleashed a massive torrent of cutting wind. Quill thought little of the gusts, and only used a single earth talisman to block them.

Treating the attack lightly turned out to be a mistake, as the condensed wind attacks carried a trace of void mana, and sliced right through his defenses as if they weren't even there.

Growing tired of this fight now that he had been bloodied, Quill wished he had more copies of [Sword Rain], as he only had two more at his disposal. He wasn’t willing to use them here, since he couldn't be entirely sure that the mage couldn't use his own runes to interfere with the attack again. He was just happy that he had forced the man to stop his earlier [Hail], which was only made with his more plentiful Tier 10 materials.

If he had lost a [Sword Rain] like that, he would have wept at the waste. Tier 16 enchantment ink wasn’t cheap, even with his Talent, and he couldn’t make it himself, like the lower Tier versions he normally used.

The only good thing was that the wind attack only contained the barest hints of void, and most of it had been used up while punching through his defensive layers, so his injuries were minor.

Turning to Thirty-Four, Quill let his staff slip in his hand while rushing the mage with all the speed he could muster with his flying devices and Concept. Instead of trying to trap him, the mage retreated, but Quill cast [Jolt] twice, forcing him to spend energy on defensive runes instead of speeding himself up.

Even with Fifty-Five shooting him from behind, Quill quickly closed the gap and landed a [Jolt] on the man, causing his body to spasm in pain. An [Ice Spear] talisman took him in the hip, and spun him around as he plummeted to the ice-covered ground.

Before the mage could gather himself, Quill tossed a [Shatter] talisman on the ice, which exploded, taking the mage out of the fight when the referee saved him.

Quill turned to Fifty-Five and cracked his neck. “Interesting true power sets, but it’s not enough.” He nodded to where Torch was fighting Thirteen and Twenty-One, and the two looked much worse for wear.

He was about so say more, but Fifty-Five shot another wave of bullets at Quill, who was forced to dodge and trash talk at the same time. “Torch is about to take out Thirteen, and then you’ll all immediately lose. So tell me, why the golden ratio? I can't make heads or tails of it. I half expected you guys to be the same person, but only as strong as the last two put together, or something like that.”

Fifty-Five shrugged as he paused his barrage and nodded with one of his guns. “We thought it would confuse people who think they're smarter than they really are. Seems like it worked.”

Quill nodded at the comeback, and then raced away from the gunman towards Twenty-One’s unprotected back.

Slapping an explosion talisman on the man's back, he flew around to the side to avoid the explosion.

Thirteen was distracted just enough for Torch to grab the hand that held her rapier, and pulled her into a heavy punch that deformed her helmet, and the face underneath. The damage was so bad, the ref pulled her out of the fight before Torch could land the second punch she was pulling back.

Without Thirteen and her Talent, Torch flared up as if an accelerant had been poured on her, spelling the end of the fight.

Twenty-One and Fifty-Five tried to fight, but now that it was two-on-two, Quill and Torch quickly dominated the momentum of the battle, preventing their opponents from making any kind of comeback.

When they exited the arena, the crowd was going wild, especially the civilians who had been brought in.

Quill paused as everyone cheered for them and said, “Beating them was as easy as 1, 1, 2, 3.” He shot a glare over to where Page and Diego sat and added, “Maybe I should partner with the masks and make my own news studio.”

With his corny joke out of the way, the two of them made their way into the healer's tent. Torch had made it through the entire fight without taking anything more damaging than a slight cut to her elbow, where Thirteen landed a thrust.

That was leagues better than Quill, who had three large cuts through his abdomen.

Thankfully, the fact that there was void mana was hidden in the attack meant the cuts were clean, leaving easy-to-close incisions. It was unfortunate, but it didn’t push him into healing cooldown territory any more than a broken bone would have.

As they listened to the announcers, along with Light and Shadow, comment on how their fight went, Quill sat back down in his chair to watch the next bout.

Diana's team was going to be a serious challenge, especially with their greater numbers and well-rounded abilities, so they needed to get everything they could out of observing them. They could only hope that their opponents could push them into show a few trump cards.


Shadow cursed as she waded through the sewage-holding tank as if it was the realm's most foul swimming pool.

It was a good thing her mask could filter out things like water, and whatever was floating around inside of it, or she would do this the hard way.

Not needing to breathe didn’t mean that she wanted to dive in sewage.

Tracking down spies entailed going wherever they went, and they had just found a lead suggesting that one of the Federation's spies had been using the sewer system as a base.

This particular tank had been out of the normal cycle for no discernible reason. Normally, the sewer tanks were filtered and extracted of any viable fertilizers before they were sent into low Tier rifts maintained for waste disposal.

After the tanks were dumped, they were cleaned and returned to absorb trillions of peoples’ waste.

But this tank was, for some reason, taken out of the cleaning rotation, despite being full.

The counter-espionage team had noticed the traces of the Feddies' presence, and pointed them at the problem.

So she, Light, Stick, and Stone had the pleasure of swimming through the vile tank to find any spies who might or might not be lurking inside the filth.

To the counter-espionage team's benefit, they had already found obscuring runic formations etched into the steel walls. They most certainly weren't a part of the normal spatial expansion formations, which meant that someone had been there.

Shadow had just wanted to cut the bottom of the tank out and then fish out anyone inside as they flowed out, but management had rejected that, saying that the waste disposal tanks were too valuable to destroy on a whim.

They only gave the spies a ten percent chance of still being inside, and they considered that too small a chance to be willing to destroy the tank.

So, they had to swim through shit.

Stone called out over their AI channel, “Found a rune here that I'm pretty sure is the start of the entrance sequence.”

Swimming over to her position, Shadow started making bargains with any Tier 50 who could read her mind, begging that the spies were still inside so she could force feed them all of the excrement they’d traversed and then some.

When they set up their entrance protocols, they triggered the rune, ready for combat, but found themselves inside a pure white room with a message scrawled on the walls.

“Please don’t dirty the floor. We just had it cleaned. Shitty people not welcome.”

Shadow clenched her fist as she counted down from ten. She wanted to destroy the entire place but if she set this trap up she would leave memory crystals hidden around with useless data so anyone who broke them regretted it as they could have never known if they had destroyed anything useful.

Reporting into management, she used her Talent and cut a hole back to real space from the pocket they were currently in, and deposited the four of them in a shower room that she’d prepared before this.

When she found the spies who had set this little trap up, she was going to get them back for their little prank.

Once she reached Tier 25, and didn’t have a time restriction, she was going to go take a walk through the Federation's known spy hives.

She was going to make them pay.



Even if you’re immortal, that seems like a lot of effort, work, time to spend settling a petty score.


So the kid with the time control talent that looked like teleporting didn’t make it back in for final round of the competition?


Nope. Its a strong Talent but the limited range makes it counterable

Mario Morales

When you're immortal, settling petty scores is what drives you millennia to millennia.


Out of curiosity, why doesn't Torch use more Talismans? It's not like they cost Quill much and everyone knows they are on the same team.


Is there any confirmation on if it’s the same kid they watched the video of after the first auction in the pather war? The one who seemed too young and fought groups alone by teleporting constantly while kicking through trees and using any weapons, without using any skills?


Eh, it isnt like the effort is wasted in any way, even if the motivation is spite. Besides, given how CIA enhances certain personality quirks, and just how much is done even in the real world for sheer spite, I have no doubt that someone with literal infinite amounts of time will reach pretty ridicolus heights in terms of things they do for spite.


probably because she has to show her abilities not quills

yannick schwende

Oo shadow is pissed. Poor feddies xD

Lorevi Q

They're also sandbagging in a specific way to get others to misinterpret their talents, like how Torches talent is supposedly more fire = more strong. I think they're trying to give the impression that Quills talent is super amazing talisman creation but limited in such a way that only he can use them.


when I'm immortal I'll be dedicating a few centuries to punishing those who put the toilet paper roll on backwards

Xaver Klein

i think i remember a non-alchemist drinking a potion during a fight though. thats kind of the same. cant really back it up tho, i dont remember which chapter that was in.


The whole tournament is about cultivating powerful ascenders. Fighting as a mask with while having torch restricted to fire, and quill using so many talismans is ultimately about getting Matt and Liz to creatively apply their talents and Talents so that they are even stronger ascenders. I could easily imagine there being rules against "outside assistance" as a way to get the ascenders to come up with creative solutions.


earlier in the tournament she did use talismans, maybe during the t14 monster fight? she can't use them in the solo comp but should be able to in the team one by the rules though


Still convinced light and shadow are his sponsors.


Torch cant use them in solo fights. Team fights or in rifts shes fine but solo she cant use them like matt cant use her potions.


That’s what I thought but then I asked “what about the weapons / armor and everything they sell at the various auctions.”


Still, I’m good with the answer that she can, butq she jusqt wants to showcase her own skills.


I was thinking the same since the beginning but it also could be Stick and Stone


I'm thinking stick and stone as well. It fits with them being there and mattering nicely without making Matt too much of a coincidence nexus. Too much more than he is.



Xaver Klein

yeah, matt being a coincidence nexus made me drop this multiple times early on.


It was def a problem before. Call it my shitty writing cause that was it was lol. Amateur author trap that is easy to fall into as you want to show ALL the cool things with your MC. I've tired to pull it back but there is only so much I can do about past C.Mantis.


One time use items vs 'perm' items I feel are dif. A single use potion you didnt make isnt your own strength but a better sword you bought is imo.


Well so far you have, 1: Eric & Dena are a couple - Stick & Stone are a couple. 2: Eric & Dena are tier 22 and dropping off the path/Emmanuel described them as 2 of his best, the 1% and not quite up to the level of an ascender but close - Stick & Stone are ‘almost ascenders’. 3: Eric & Dena are at the tournament - Stick & Stone are obviously at the tournament. 4: Eric uses an axe (which also seems a bit uncommon) - Stone uses an axe. 5: Matt has no footage of them fighting and no one recognizes them; But they came 2nd in their Tier 10 tournament - Stick & Stone, having the names they do, are clearly masked panthers whose real identities aren’t known and whose competition results wouldn’t be linked to anyone. 6: Emmanuel mentioned having high hopes for them when they enter the Special Forces - Stick & Stone are working with Light & Shadow in counter espionage turned training


Them dropping off the path is a convenient lie, because they will shortly be completing it. Them joining special forces is partly true, just as ascenders.

Tom Pulk

Just spit balling but wondering if Rewind could be used as a screen for Melinda in the war. Make it seem as if her ability to evade healing cool down is somehow expanded. I can see the spy factor for it, and with her being such a strategic asset and the Pathers being patriotic might make it work.

Tom Pulk

Also I noticed that Fredric's plan only works if the spies uncover both Matt and Melinda's true talents and unmask Matt. Was this foreshadowing for after tier 25 when they are off the path?

Yannick Scheer

How do the Guns of the Number guy work? The decree of no flame should make it impossible to use guns that rely on burning powder.


Rather then chemical reactions enchanted bullets work off of mana. Since he knew before hand that the world wasn't going to burn he could use rounds that take advantage of space magic, or rail gun rounds or what have you.

Yannick Scheer

While of course that could be the case, it has not to my knowledge been described. Otherwise I wouldn't have written the comment.


I'm too lazy to double check, but if I remember correctly, back on the training world there was a gun user and it was explained that some went the chemical route using higher and higher tier materials while the other route made the guns more like specialized wands. So it has been described.