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Things are good, we're feeling good, we got content and stuff to talk about! Be safe and enjoy your tricks and treats this holiday! 


Wisp of Thought

I, for one, am really glad you put out last month's Update, because a lot of it was stuff I needed to hear to get me through it, too. Thanks for being here, and here's to five more years (at least!)!


Sorry to hear that you're dealing with the insurance/general "being a functioning adult" bullshit. It's no fun to have to navigate, but you'll have it under control soon, I'm sure! Sounds like you have some incredible things planned, and I can't wait to see where the next five years takes you!


Dude, I am so sorry that everything feels stressful. (And Also sorry that I have taken a week to get to this.) I am so excited that you have chosen to be a "story teller" officially. Know that we hear you about the stress post move. It can be super lonely, and the medical field can suck... just know that we get it and you are loved by us man. Your growing up and that's amazing keep it up, your fighting a war not a battle. Just know that we are here to support you. You have created a save little world for us, but that's a two way street. We want to support you and we want nothing more than to see you succeed. Also, call your MA. If you miss her, then she definitely misses you.