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Enjoy this update on what's coming for the rest of the month, recorded in my vain attempt at an Irish accent! I'm pretty sure I turned into an Australian halfway through (sorry to my actual Aussie friends) but fuck it, if you're celebrating today you should be too drunk to notice the difference. 



Little Miss

I’ll be nice and say the accent needs... work 😂


Your new accent is shamrocking my world *eeeyyyeeeeee*


If it counts no one ever gets my accent (South African) so i just move on🤣 but good job


The peeps with Irish accent fetishes are quaking.


As an Aussie it is always amusing hearing the various "fake" Aussie accents. We either sound like we are from South Africa or New Zealand LOL

Musical Limbo

Mate that was... a thing 😅 but it was fun to listen too and all in good fun. Many people have tried to do the Australian accent and I just sit their and cringe ‘cause it’s either way to British or closer to a New Zealand accent, but it’s always in good fun


I’m in love with Irish accents. Maybe it’s because I’m 1/4 on mom’s side but definitely want to hear something steamy from Yuuri O’Audio 😂