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Hello friends! Tomorrow is October 1st, so be aware that you'll be getting charged by Patreon soon! There has been a little bit of confusion over the "Pay Up Front" system, where you pay for that month when you sign up regardless of what day of the month it is. After that first month, let's say you signed up on the 15th of this month, you'll be charged on the 1st of every following month. I wish Patreon made this a bit more clear when you sign up. The last thing I want is for anyone to get blindsided by a charge, I know many of you signed up on Patreon specifically for me, so a lot of this is new.

There's a change coming to a reward tier!

$5 Tier Reward: 3 day early access to audios!

I've reached a point where I have a large backlog of audios that are recorded and ready to be posted, and I want to give an option for those of you who want the new stuff ASAP. After the three day early access, it'll be moved to the $1 Tier archive.

October is what we're calling the Blogversary of YuuriVoice, the birthday of this whole crazy thing! The 21st specifically is the date, but it's also Kinktober, and I'll be TRYING to do an audio for each prompt...daily...they will be short snippets with no real character attached. I think it will be cool to reach out to non-fandom people who are looking for content like mine, and an opportunity to reach a new audience!

September was a really rough month, but the growth here on Patreon was incredible! We hit that last goal and soon I'll be recording the Yuuri/Victor duo audio as a reward for us accomplishing that goal. I'm hoping to reach this next goal before the end of the year, and I'll work hard to make it happen!

Thank you all so much for your continued support. You all have truly impacted my life in ways you wouldn't imagine. <3



Wow, a blogversary! It's a good time to be a patron around this time then. Looking forward to see what you'll have out for October! :D


OMG october 21st is my birthday!!! *dances* is a great day to be a kitty!!!