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To say that my Yuri!!! on Ice panel went well would be an honest to goodness understatement. Considering that this was the debut of this panel, that Friday of the con was really stressful for the fandom, and that it was 11 PM really adds to just how shockingly well this went. 

I know the audio isn't perfect, with the rave (oh, sorry, "dance") going on in the next room it was basically a death sentence for any panel that relied heavily on a microphone, never mind volunteers who may have limited experience with microphones...but damn, we pulled it off. I edited the audio a bit so it's at least listenable with headphones.

Wanted to put this on here because I'm proud and I'd like it to be here on Patreon. I can also share some more behind the scenes details with you all because I don't mind being a bit more personal here on Patreon.

I was pretty terrified before going on, but I was able to spend time in my friend Dusty's panel "Anime Gameshow Party" beforehand and I had such a genuinely good time that it shook a lot of my anxiety. It also helped to see a panel go so damn well, and gave me a big confidence boost.

I think we actually lost some attendees because there was a yaoi panel right before this and it was PACKED, but...I dunno. This was the first time running a panel, the con didn't know me, etc. so there are a lot of reasons I could have wound up with this spot on the schedule. 

It went so well. There were so many laughs and smiles and positive vibes. There's a really special feeling when you're on stage and you look out and see people having a better time than they were before they sat in that chair. If you were there, thank you so much for taking the time to come see me. Same with the panel the following night!


AnimeFest 2017 | Eros on the Ice! A Yuri!!! on Ice Fan Panel

My panel at AnimeFest 2017! The premise is fairly simple, participants come up and act out a seemingly mundane prompt, but by tapping into their Eros...it becomes a bit lewd. This Yuri!!! on Ice panel has plenty of references to the series, and an emphasis on being in character, but all were welcome to come up and give it a go on the microphone! A few notes: The audio for this is pretty rough, I had to edit it to deal with the bass and vibrations picked up from the dance in the next room. So, I know there are some times when you can't hear the participants perfectly. In the future I'll have a better mic and hopefully no EDM blaring in the next room. I'm really glad I made the call to do the "What was your favorite aspect of Yuri!!! on Ice?" thing before starting with each wave of participants. AnimeFest was a really stressful and potentially upsetting situation for many fans because of some issues with lines and autograph sessions. This was Friday night and a lot of people were worn out and disappointed. I wanted to bring everyone together and talk about why we loved this series that brought us all together. Also, if you like Banana Laffy Taffy, I apologize. My bad.



I am so happy your panel went off as well as it did. It was a super smash hit and I've yet to hear one bad word about it. Massive props dude!