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This is a bit different from the usual. This month's "2 Minute SFW Audio" turned into an 11+ minute monologue about taking your shot, pursuing your passions, and viewing failure in a different mindset. I hope you'll enjoy this. 




I really needed this today. Have a big opportunity coming up but it's pretty scary and I'm very intimidated by it. High-risk, high-reward sort of deal. This is great motivation to fight on! Glad to hear this audio after the stuff this month has thrown your way. ♥️ Good luck with Hamacon! But I know you're going to kill it.


"Trial and error not failure." I like that. This is exactly what I needed to start my day. Thank you so much for this ten minute pep talk it touched on alot of things that have been weighing on my mind and now I feel so much more optimistic about everything


The fact that you're humble even with all the accolades and love is one of the main reasons why I decided to be your Patron. You don't seem to be a douche or an asshole and you don't make your fans feel like they're "less than". I thought that becoming a single mother meant that my dreams had to end. Listening to this monologue made me realize that my dreams are being postponed, not eliminated. I look at my life now and regret the opportunities I missed out on due to my low confidence and fear.


I see you here, Senpai, joining the universe in encouraging me to do the thing and embrace my future. ;A; ♥


Also, can we talk about how cute the ending of this audio is?