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Hey, it's time for another chapter of "Eternal dream" but no worries next month as always another chapter of "Last wish" will be published and for now enjoy your reading. 




😎 He looks so lovely in that skirt. 🥰


Great chapter. One pt "he" was used to refer to Zero5 in one panel. Tramlation error. Now that he wore that skirt to hide his buldge Zero2 and Auntie might convince hom him to wear a gaffe to hide his bulge better. That would allow them to put him in shorter skirts, especially working. Is he motivated to get more tips to make money for items? If so Auntie could convince him flirt and tease costumers for more tips to get those items if he earns the money through tips. Last, it seems there is a missing panel or two about the visit to the doctor.


The visit to the doctor will be later in the chapter and as for the casing, I almost forgot about it. On the other hand, as for the personal form, this is where I make mistakes myself, but I will try to be more careful about it.