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  • Issei2.mp4



A little surprise. I wanted to experiment a little with Ai but I think it went a little too far.

As for the series, no worries, I'm working on it but I had to take a break to analyze your suggestions.

File is attached




I understand that you just wanted to experiment a bit with AI and thats all ok. So I don't want to sound to accusatory. But I rather not have any AI content included in your works. I love what you make and I want to continue enjoying your works (emphasis your). But because of some concerns I have around ai both in how ai was created and the resulting works it is not something I would want to fund at the moment. Sorry if I sounded abrasive. Again I do enjoy your work and I fully understand wanting to play around with AI. I have done so myself. But because, to put it plainly, you are selling me your work. I find it difficult to support if ai content is released on here. I hope you won't in the future! Because I want to see much more of the work you have created :3


Sorry for the long rambling post. Just hope to make my position clear without being rude

spawnpredator90 .

Holy Macaroni that's awesome batman. Really great work


Wow very nicely done.