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Hi there,

It's the end of another pledge cycle and as this is the first month in a while where there's only been one major version published, I thought I owed it to you guys to give you an update on where everything is at.  Yeah yeah yeah I have some excuses - I was ill towards the beginning of the month, and then there was the tax return and other accounting I had to do that took way too long, and bla bla bla, but that's boring, what I really want to tell you about is what's coming up.

TQ is still chugging along well.  Keriax recently got back in touch, so with Danaume slowly recovering and Wonderfuller and Gurgles churning out a lot of awesome art, we've got 4 artists currently on the payroll making awesome stuff for the game.  There's actually a fifth artist I'm paying as well now, making a character window for the diaper mode, but I'll announce more about that when it's ready.  We have several coding contributors whose ability to code in I7 and whose passion for development is starting to rival mine, which is just awesome.  And then we've several more who are doing their best to learn the ropes.  We are truly blessed!  Collaboration causes more bugs, but multiple devs (especially MG) are getting real good at fixing not only their own bugs but others' too.  So everything is improving, which is perfect.

I have also spent a bit of time this month developing a proof of concept for the next big project I'm hoping to tackle.  Don't worry, TQ will never stop being updated for as long as we're live here on Patreon, but the truth of the matter is that I have bigger hopes than *only* TQ for this Patreon page.  I now have the funding and the capability to really smash the current ceiling of the indie H games domain, and I want to make that dream happen before Patreon crashes and burns for whatever inevitable reason.  I don't want to reveal too much at this early point, but my next game will be playable on your Android phone and in your browser, and will be a semi-real-time multiplayer experience with animated sprites and the whole works.  To understand what I mean by semi-real-time, think of Town of Salem or Epic Mafia or games like that.  Turn-based, but with short time limits between turns.

In conclusion, please stick around, because we're in for a hell of a ride!

In all seriousness though, I know I say this a lot but I'm still overwhelmed that you all are funding me to keep the dream alive.  This wouldn't be possible without you lovely perverts.  It thrills me that you are even here to share my passion for challenging and strategic NSFW games, and the fact that I can make a living from it, and pay for artists to do the bits that I can't, is just too wonderful to put into words.  Please stay awesome!

Love from Aika


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