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Welcome everyone! , this is just a quick insight of things to expect along the journey and what my aims are. I will be making an animation monthly , every single type of animation I do ill have learned/tried something new !

You will receive work in progress of my tasty animations ! and the additional still shots not relating to the monthly animation , once I've gained a few followers and I'm happy to announce when I get a lot better ill be posting up polls for animations !

I love working in 3D its always been a passion and a dream job for me so hopefully it works out well for me to have a fun community behind my back while you guys share the love for my art and I share my love back to all of you ! <3

This is an old still of an Animation I made back in 2020 ill be posting a remastered version in a different setting with a little more quality to the animation Itself ! you can expect some WIP previews before E-A release for the tiers ! 




So where are most of the animations, I just got the 15$ membership and I'm not finding much, is there another site I'm supposed to use or is this mostly PC use?