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Reese "Rudzite" and Andy/Liz Guerra won by a landslide, but many you pointed rightly out that Caleb and AL would also make a pretty amusing combo (if just Reese wins, Andy/Liz and Caleb be an available combo next month, otherwise it'll be Caleb and Isaiah).

Since I couldn't change the first poll, however, I'm putting up this secondary poll to decide which version of Team Vengeance should be interviewed this month. If you like the current arrangement, that's totally fine. Just select the first option! But with only a handful of months (and thus interviews) left until Mind Blind is finished (hopefully), I've decided that the Disaster Cousins might be too good of a combo to not offer it.

More to the point, I also think Reese could carry an interview with Nick by themself.

Thus, for this second poll, please vote for which Vengeance combo you'd like to ask questions. (If you want it to remain Reese and AL together, just pick the first option.)

The interview winner(s) will be announced on September 14th.


Samantha Murphy

If Reese ever found out he was losing to Caleb I would die laughing at his reaction


Just one more reason the disaster cousins should win. Imagine Nick rubbing in that Reese not only lost to *dogs* but to *Caleb*. His ego would never recover.


Only a handful of interviews left!! I think it would be cool to have follow up interviews with the ROs (and Nick!) post Mind Blind main story so they could answer spoilery and romance related questions that were off the table before, but that might be my reluctance to say goodbye to this awesome cast talking.