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Hey guys, I want to apologize for my unactivity lately, this year it's being hard for me for  multiple reasons, insomnia problems mainly, but I'm treating it rn so don't worry bout that; and also some demotivation about this work and other things.

After thinking of it I realized that I just demand myself too much, and believe me, I work every single day, but never get satisfied with the results, that's why I take so long to do a single image. 

But that's my problem and I think I solved it internally and have many ideas to do it way better, now I'm feeling much better, and there are 3 things I need to notify y'all.

First thing is that if you check right now the link of Hot Days In Konoha 2 you'll see page 14, 15 unfinished, and that's how I'm going to work it now. Honestly, to do everything (sketches, borderlining, coloring, backgrounds, backgrounds coloring, edition, etc.) just by myself and with a really short time it's difficult af, and at the end I don't feel ok with the result. Last comic was faster because I had all the sketches a year ago. So I decided I'm gonna start posting only the sketches and coloring of characters, dialogues and maybe some backgrounds first, and the rest of it will need to wait, so I'll feel fresh to do everything with order, you'll see that is going to look great anyway, and I think I didn't mentioned it but this comic is going to be arround 70-80 pages, so I hope you understand. At this way, you'll see I'm gonna work way faster:)

Second thing is about the image your seeing. Those are my new oc's 😛

for now you'll see some simple projects about em', but I have TONS of ideas to create my new little world!

 I'll show you more next days but yeah, I'm really excited to show you guys what they're gonna do (¬‿¬)

Hope you like it and give them some love, you're totally gonna fall in love with this girl hehe.

Third thing is that I possibly gonna take some vacations soon (1 or 2 weeks), cause I hadn't  take a break since I started and need to take time to fix some things of my personal life..

I think I'm gonna work a little anyway during vactions, but not too much, but I think that can be next month cause firts I need to compense y'all for my inactivity.

And that's everything guys, again, so sorry, now I'm feeling better to work as before and thank you so much for all your support as always.

Be naughty

Your dude: Biggie❤




Take care man, we will be here when you come back. Also, about your new project: Is it NTR? OO


As a sufferer of insomnia that was going on for four months, I get it. I did everything doctors and naturopaths asked me and nothing worked. I was lucky to get three hours of real sleep and even then I woke up 10-12 times a night. I was introduced to marijuana laced chocolate, 20mg per square (I cut each square into threes otherwise I'm stoned out of my mind) and I take part of one of 1/3 pieces an hour before sleep and another piece before going to bed and then maybe another at four or five in the morning as that's usually when the effects start to wear off. I only get up three to four times a night now and get 7.5 plus hours of sleep. On a bad night, I wake up four or five times but that's not often and even then that's close to my waking time. Give it a shot and hopefully, it can help (everyone is different). No side effects like drowsiness or anything of the sort when you're up the next morning. Saved my life.


Yo that’s helpful, I do marijuana frequently (brownies) and yeah, it cause me a strong somnolence, but when I’m about to sleep just doesn’t let me anymore because I begin to trip too deep lol, and my creativity just begins to explode and I just can’t sleep anymore. I use it to draw right now, cause it helps me to draw better, but lastly just makes me feel sleepy, so I’m letting it out. Using pills a dr. provides me that are not exactly for insomnia, but produces somnolence, and trying to change habits and that stuff, I’m sleeping way better than before, but still feeling too tired during day. Anyway, thanks so much for the recommendation❤️ Here the insomniac guys club lol