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fl soa 5x8.mp4



NERO: You gonna beat up your mom ese? JAX: Nah, I’m gonna let my wife do it. (Godfather Jax is the fucking best thing ever. The way the shot was framed as he 🧊 talked —- I mean TOLD Gemma…was orgasmic)

Dr. Foppo

I love the scene where Nero goes off on Jax and tells him how it is. It's like an eye opener for us. I'm sure a lot of us viewers were caught up in how badass "new Jax" has been in Season 5 and how fun it has been to watch... we might have ignored that this is the worst turn possible to some degree (even though we're obviously all aware that Jax has turned into a "scary motherfucker") Jax as a character has taken a full 180. He used to be an actually good natured outlaw who was trapped in a violent world - which he hated, tried to change and tried to escape from. For four season that's all he ever wanted. But now he's just a cold blooded, calculating, ruthless gangster. And imo it's great (from a writing pov) under how many circumstances this has happened. It wasn't just "one key event" that turned him. The CIA killed his dream of getting out. Watching Opie getting beaten to death killed his compassion. And then he is forced to deal with someone like Pope who is so next level that - to survive - Jax knows he has to level up, too. With all these things accumulating, basically resigned to the fact that he'll never get out of the life and accepting his fate, he's willing to see someone like Pope as a role model/master of sorts. Learning to be ruthless, letting himself be influenced by Pope etc. On top of that his mother - someone he had relied on his entire life - is now a complete mess and his trust in her (something he could depend on all his life) is broken. What makes this worse is that the behaviourism Jax is adapting now and his mental state make it not only way more difficult to repair his relationship with his mother but just makes things worse because he's just as cold and ruthless to her as to anyone (besides Tara and his kids ofc) Jax feels more focused and way more "badass" than ever. But he's actually completely lost it. And his actions just get him deeper and deeper into all the shit he wanted to run from. This is truly the beginning of the end.