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A movie where Sean Bean doesn't die 😂 this is a highly entertaining one-man-show. I think it's my second favorite Matt Damon performance after Good Will Hunting. He carries this entire film. He could've been alone in every scene throughout this entire movie and not show anything else, and I still would have loved it. That's how much screen presence he has here.


Ridley Scott is a legend. He's made so many classic movies over the years. Not every single movie he's made is a banger but when he's on his game it's phenomenal. It's also a lot easier this time around since this was adapted from a best seller novel. The cast is what really elevated this movie along with the great adapted script. Some fun facts, the author of this novel was a computer programmer who was into the space science as a hobby. He wrote the novel in this what if scenario of if someone got stranded on Mars. Due to meticulous research, like 90% of the movie is scientifically accurate. NASA was a big fan and decided to help him make the science even more legit by bring him over to consult for the novel/movie (since it'll be good PR for them). They took some liberty obviously, in real life apparently those space suits would not be anywhere near as form fitting as shown on the movie (due to radiation shielding), so mobility on Mars would be like if you wore a full battle suit, instead of the human motions shown by Matt Damon. The Iron Man scene is also stretching it, but that Modok device is actually quite real. Also Pathfinder was a real life probe station that NASA sent over in 97', so they didn't make that stuff up for the plot of the film, it's still there on Mars even in real life buried under sand. Lastly Andy Weir (novel writer) was a big fan of the Expanse and vice versa, so they decided to share both universe. There's even a shout out in one of the Expanse episode by naming a Mars colony ship as the "Mark Watney".

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

"He's not even got to the bad stuff yet, Vincent." I love that line so much. Competency porn + comedy = movie magic, I think. Funny how that's a reasonable way to describe The Big Short as well - two completely different topics/situations... but same basic formula for success when writing about it. Anyhow, that was a pretty fun watch along (although the bickering meter between you guys was beyond maxed out here, it felt like.) Still, glad you both enjoyed it.


I love the Lord of the rings joke - while Boromir is in the room as well 😂

Robert Kruger

The "Matt Daaaaayyyyymaaahn" thing is from Team America World Police, a great movie I hope you'll watch some day.

Robert Kruger

IMPORTANT: Your sound in this was FAR BETTER than your previous reactions. It's not great, but damn, it was a huge improvement.