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16th - The Martian

19th - A History of Violence

23rd - The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf (DC #1)

26th - Ronin

28th - ??? (DC #2)

30th - Kick-Ass

Ronin and Hereditary tied, so Hereditary has already got a October slot lined up.



I can't believe this - a movie I suggested actually wins the first round immediately!? Must be a glitch in the matrix 🤣😵😵

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

For DC #2, may I suggest Bone Tomahawk (if you want more Kurt Russell goodness) or Miller's Crossing (if you want more Coen brothers gangster goodness). Both appear unable to win a vote :(


Gooood ass line up (sans Martian, fucking hate that movie)


Lol Jimmy is being forced to watch Nicolas cage movies now. I'm really interested if this is going to change anything 😊


Since your reacting to the show, will u be doing the hero academia films at some point. Dont fully know the position of where they come in but it probably don't matter too much tho lol


Obligatory suggestion for Trainspotting. It's a classic, it's Scottish, the characters are incredibly memorable and I don't know if this helps but it stars Ewan McGregor and it's the role that lead to him being cast as Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars. It's an awesome movie my only advice is to use subtitles as some parts are very difficult to understand with the Scottish accents.