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fl soa 2x10.mp4


Cadmus Lochlan

Now here's a question, would telling them this sooner have stopped Jax going nomad? Or did it need to happen in this order so we can get that out of their system and they can regroup and move on? Also, I can't hold it against Chib, I think the only reason a death didn't happen is because he wouldn't secure his family's safety, and since that was i'm guessing the reason he was an errand boy for the jerk, its smart to snitch. if the sons were more competent, then i would have suggested getting the club involved, like the irish charter or something, but the way shit has been hitting the fan....


I think it went the only way it could have. Gemma never would have told them without seeing how secrets were tearing the club apart.


Piney, as always, is the MF GOAT. Gemma Gemma, always digging and scheming. That convo with her and Jax in the office is tough. Really hard to know what's genuine with her, and what's protecting interest. "449?!" - dammit Jimmy I spit my coffee out everywhere laughing Chibs wife is the fucking worst. Love to hate em, Jimmy O makes a splash on his first appearance in the show. Poor Ope, per usual.

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

"There's a lot going on! I just wanna watch bikers shoot guns..." That is me lol.

Jenna Bean

Late to the party but they implied the homeless chick had "vanished" when Jax looked back for her at the cemetery and that's when it looked to be something higher up to me.