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fl soa 1x12.mp4



This episode never gets easier to watch. Heartbreaking, every time. Can't wait for the finale, and then getting into season 2. For me, that's when this show really hits its stride.

Jamie Rees

This is one of the saddest episodes in the series. Donna's tragic death is a result of the main problem everyone has in this show, they don't communicate and when they do it's too late. So many people screwed up and it cost a innocent woman her life. Opie is a warm and understanding guy, Ryan Hurst plays him with such compassion and charisma that you can't help but feel his pain when sees Donna lying there. This tragedy will ripple out to effect everyone in Samcro and Charming in general. Clay messed up by condemning Opie on bad intel, Tig is far too rash and it led to this horrible outcome. Hale waited too long to do the right thing and Stahl's scheming and manipulations with Opie and his family blew up in her face big time. She is not a honest person, but she moments of genuine emotion like when Otto attacked her and her remorse at Donna's death. Hale maybe a puffed up boy scout but he doesn't shy away from telling it like it is, slumping Stahl's partner in the process. One episode left Jimmy and it's a wrap on SOA S1, looking forward to your reaction. Thanks and take care, peace.


Goddamnit Clay! Tig fucked up too. But this is on Clay - he's the leader, he's supposed to be smarter than that. And shouldn't make rash decisions without getting the full picture.


You thought you got spoiled on Opie dying...then you expect him to die and then Donna dies instead. This is just fucking splendid misdirection.


Standard Clay honestly. His main solution to things is force.


🥲🥲 So gutting everytime. Sealed Jax’s wrenching worry over the club’s direction. Clay is NOT soppose to make a dictator call to kill a Club member. That’s a Club vote. And agreed to the above. This is the catalyst that begins it all. 🥲 LOL Godfather. Also Tommy Shelby. What else.. agree on Wendy. Sleeping with her opposite of what he said he wanted to do: walk on eggshells a bit around her. He doesn’t love her. Rough. re: the homeless woman saying what Gemma thought she said: Abel. Symbolic motifs Kurt plays. Take note on that stuff. Help you out later as he peels back layers. Next ep has a great deal of them. Objects, frames, theme. 💜


PS: Oh, oh oh, Jax. re:Tara… I think you misunderstood Jax :) He was saying to her in hospital that he loved Tara so much back then, he felt he couldn’t live without her. That a moment apart from her, he thought he’d die. Rem how she broke his heart leaving? So he is being cautious because she left back then. He said “I know I could get back to that place, I still feel the same, but he needs a min.” hope that cleared it up. She is not clingy. Opposite. She couldn’t take the outlaw life and left.


What always got me and I know the whole fandom, but not getting a club vote on Mayhem (that's what it is called right? Deciding to kill a member?) And he is all blood and little brains. If anyone couldn't see that, this was the ep

Nerd Going Outside (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-31 14:39:56 Good call Ashley. This is important. Jax was the one who was first-love, head-over-heels, can't-live-without-you in love with Tara. I get the sense she felt the same way, but was strong enough to pull away from it given the outlaw shit. Which also (at least partially) explains why Gemma is so wary of Tara. Hard to watch your kid go through what Jax must have gone through when Tara left and not hold a grudge.
2021-07-30 06:15:22 Good call Ashley. This is important. Jax was the one who was first-love, head-over-heels, can't-live-without-you in love with Tara. I get the sense she felt the same way, but was strong enough to pull away from it given the outlaw shit. Which also (at least partially) explains why Gemma is so wary of Tara. Hard to watch your kid go through what Jax must have gone through when Tara left and not hold a grudge.

Good call Ashley. This is important. Jax was the one who was first-love, head-over-heels, can't-live-without-you in love with Tara. I get the sense she felt the same way, but was strong enough to pull away from it given the outlaw shit. Which also (at least partially) explains why Gemma is so wary of Tara. Hard to watch your kid go through what Jax must have gone through when Tara left and not hold a grudge.