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Choose four, top four win, you know how this goes.



If spirited away doesn't win, I will be very surprised.

Nerd Going Outside

As long as O Brother makes it I am content. Make it happen people! :) You can't sleep on the Coen brothers.


It is nice to have quality choices


Thanx for including "The Untouchables" 😍😙 come on people this is the PERFECT movie for Jimmy!!!

Michal Nielsen

got excited just by seeing o'brother on the list :D

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

Spirited Away, The Big Short, Groundhog Day, and The Drop. Wow, that would make for a GREAT month of movies! :D


Fingers crossed for Big Trouble :) Great list either way.

Ted Cali

Damn, Birdman didn’t even make the poll this time, that’s discouraging. Big boys don’t cry, big boys don’t cry, keep it together.... Solid list, regardless, should be a fun month. Seems like a lot of variety no matter how the vote goes.


The Big Short and Trainspotting are so infinitely more up Jimmy's Alley than anything else on this list.


I'd say the untouchables is way more up jimmy's alley than those. It's a mob gangster/crime drama with De Niro as Al Capone. Jimmy loves that genre.


so damn excited for o brother

Robert Kruger

Gotta Disagree with Drew. Although I don't really want to see a reaction to the Untouchables, it's probably the most appropriate for Jimmy's taste. He likes cop/mobster stories (see his Person of Interest reactions) and competent characters (see his Better Call Saul reactions). Jimmy also appears to like anime a good bit so Spirited Away is probably a good fit. His taste in comedy and his reaction to Edge of Tomorrow and Fargo would suggest that he'd like Groundhog day. If I'm not mistaken he likes silly/camp humor (Kung Fu Hustle, Big Lebowski) which would put Big Trouble in Little China as a good match for him as well. Trainspotting is definitely a head scratcher, not a fan. I haven't seen The Big Short and I'm curious about it. A bit surprised that more people aren't going for the Al Pacino pick, Devil's Advocate.

Robert Kruger

I _really_ need to see that movie apparently. If it gets to the list, you'll get my vote.


No bad choices here.


The Big Short and Margin call are movies that gives the perspective on both sides of the housing crisis. Both are good movies, and highlights the level of shenanigans that was allowed by those scums. So if you're going to watch one, watch the other as well. I'm going to watch DA tonight upon your recommendation.


Damn...I hope you put The Untouchables back in the poll next month! You watched a lot of my suggestions so far Jimmy - and you know what they all have in common? None of them won the first round. Not a single one. Might take two or three times 😂🤣🤣🤣