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fl bcs 5x6.mp4


Mathew Zimmerman

Pardon my French but these next 4 episodes? Fucking spectacular. Equivalent to the second half of season three of Attack on Titan, just banger after banger after banger, each episode arguably the best of the entire show imo. I do not know of I am reading it wrong but I feel the reason Jimmy is doing all of this stuff to Howard is because of jealously. Not because he is a bigger lawyer, but because Howard was able to bring himself back up after the Chuck situation, able to go see a therapist, get a better mindset. Whereas its obvious Jimmy still loved his brother but because of the situation of it isnt able to actually express and get over his feelings of Chuck, idk though.

Tyler Green

Haha your reaction to the last scene was gold

Kevin Anand

I remember watching that ending when it came out and it blew my mind

Uncle 'Traveling' Matt

I'm here for Kim's backstory. More please. I am not here for Kim's new plan. WTF Kim? You saw Saul for E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what he is, laid it out flat, and then suggested MARRIAGE?!? WTF Kim?!? I don't get it at all. Just when I think Saul can't possibly get any more passive-aggressive, he proves me wrong with his stripper prank. WTF Saul?


This is prime Saul Goodman IMO. Before this he was the hustler Jimmy McGill, and in Breaking Bad he's a more lazy Saul. Here he's in his absolute prime - he has an entire bank by its balls, was arguably one or two insults away from provoking its CEO into knocking him out, made one of his best and funniest ads, had no hesitation in humiliating his partner in front of her employers. This is the monster Chuck was afraid of and also played a major part in creating.

Jessica (petaljammies)

Ohhhh this is the ep with Laci Mosley as one of the sex workers! Yay!


Great point! Feel this is reflected by the clothes as well they've kept him in way more colour and bold patterns than he'd wear in breaking bad, he gets less ambitious and more sleazy looking as opposed to flashy


how fking amazing was that shot of Gus getting out of the car and camera pans left, and choreography has box cutter and Gus split and mike walks between them.... living for that. Also from here on out it’s just straight fire 🔥