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fl eternal sunshine.mp4



I can't even put into words of how much I love this movie. It's one of my top 5 of all time, on of the greatest scripts ever written by Charlie Kaufman (it's an oscar winning screenplay that deserved every award in existence) and it has two of my favorite performances of all time. Kate Winslet, who is my favorite actress gives her best performance and so does Jim Carrey in my opinion. Who would have thought he could convince me playing an introvert. But he does it so well. I always wondered if I'm more like Joel or more like Clementine and I realize it's such a strong mixture of both traits. I recognize so much of their behavior in myself. But more Clementine I guess. And yes this movie is romantic and heartbreaking at the same time. I could dissect it completely but I must admit I'm not in the mood right now. It also shows you how important memories are. They are what makes you - you. And not just the good stuff - the bad stuff is just as important. So erasing someone out of your life because it gives you pain or grief, you erase a part of yourself. Because a relationship can't always be happy. There are dark moments but they also have their justified existence. If you just erase them and forget you ever had them you deny yourself to grow and evolve. You have to take the good with the bad. Sadly Joel realizes it too late. But the fact that these two meet each other the very next day and are attracted to each other again shows you how drawn they are to each other. And in many ways they belong together and in many ways they don't. But they both have knowledge now that they didn't have before. So they will try harder to make it work this time. At the end when they are running through the snow, you can see the same shot repeating itself many times. Which suggests that they go through the same troubles and break up many times but they always find back to each other and try again...because like the song by Beck at the end says "Everybody's gotta learn sometime". It's a deeply romantic movie in my opinion...because it's real. It depicts relationships incredibly well - the good and the bad - it has such an unique script and it accomplishes to tell the story without being overly dramatic or corny. A true masterpiece of a movie (that I have seen so many times in my life since 2004). And the title is beautiful and poetic.