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The irony is that the show was too expensive to maintain, even though the cinematography looks dated. They actually built a whole western town as part of the set, it's not just some buildings and green screens, the entire town is real. Between the humongous number of extras needed to simulate a city, cost of running the town, the actors and the production staff.. it cost a pretty penny. That said, the best part about this show is the writing. Everyone's dialogue is just straight fire. Long time Deadwood fans were particularly vexed because the show got canned without closure at the end of S3 after ramping things up. Good news for you is that HBO gave the show a final send off by making a Deadwood movie to tie up all the loose ends of the show. So keep it up Jimmy. Also, Al Swearangen is by far the most well written/acted character on any TV series. Ian Mcshane killed in that role, he's the most gangster character that just has such a commanding presence on screen.

geoff woyce

Jimmy when you are making your next list of Greatest Characters Of All Time you may want to leave a slot or two open. I think you are already getting a hint of Swearangen's greatness only 2 episodes in and it only gets better!


Doc Cochran is played by Wormtongue from the 2nd and 3rd LoTR movies.


You know, I didn't even realize I wasn't at your top tier anymore and that there were full-lengths available! Just upgraded so I can see and comment on these too and be the annoying crazy Deadwood fan some more :)