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poi 4x9.mov


Jimmy Jones

I'm trying to sleep damnit. But I need to watch them all.


Scarface got the A+ exit that he deserved as basically the longest running recurring character up to this point in the series along with Elias.


You know why this episode is so good? Because Iris isn't in it.


I love Elias so much 💖💖 I love that he cares so much about the people who work close with him. It sets him apart from the rest of them. Yes it makes him vulnerable, but also more human. I'm kinda suprised it took you so long. Elias has always been like this. Elias is cool without trying. He has charisma and intelligence and doesn't need to brag about it all the time. Dominic on the other hand...he just tries to be cool with his over the top speeches - but it comes off as desperate. Also...he has no charisma whatsoever. Team Elias ❤❤ Rest in peace Anthony (Scarface) 😥 They also humanized him so much this episode. Love him too. ❤❤ This show just does a phenomenal job with the characters.


The actors playing Elias and Scarface just kill it here. I don't even know if Scarface had more than a couple of lines over the course of the series, but what a great character and what a send-off. The last shot of Elias walking alone is a direct contrast to the last shot of the episode in which he was introduced, when he walks with his men by his side. Unfortunate that Dominic is kinda a weak character. Doesn't help that Enrico acts circles around Duke.


No spoilers!!! Let him find out which episodes are important and which are less so