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hh 143.mp4


Colin Huckestein

Pariston is definitely very creepy and strange, but the more I watch these episodes the more he becomes one of the most fascinating characters to me. As for the end of the anime, it's probably for the best that you know it isn't the ending of the entire story and the manga does continue on. That said, the ending of this arc does feel like a very natural stopping point in a way. Is everything wrapped up with a pretty bow? No. But I do think you will feel rewarded for seeing it through to the end, and if you do want more the manga is always there too. That's about all I'll say seeing as you haven't finished the show yet. I'm really looking forward to seeing your review of the show as a whole, and to seeing your reaction on these last few episodes. Keep it up, and thanks for the ride!

Momo Lilya

Even after killing a Starred Hunter who is specialised in combat, some people would still say things like “Hisoka is overrated trash and stands no chance against pros.”