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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I love this episode!!! I love seeing the previous "Man in the Suit" before Reese and seeing the reason for Finch hiring Reese to become his next partner upon seeing the good in Reese. Brilliant! :) Thank you!!!


I love how everything comes full circle. The reason why Reese and Stanton were send to Ordos and how exactly the lap top ended up there. And in case something like this happens Harold always has a back up plan. (The virus)


Another of my favorites. Ties up a lot of loose ends and sets the table for what’s to come. All done in a flashback episode. Amazing!!!!

Anthony Wickizer

I can’t quite remember. Do we know how Finch knows Reese here? I have watched the whole show, so if it simply hasn’t been revealed yet, I will go find it on my own. Don’t want spoilers in the comments. 🙂


Finch tried to save Reese's ex prior to this. It was in a previous episode, so it's not a spoiler :)


My favourite episode from this season, and a top 5 of the series IMO, even though objectively The Devil's Share is the best episode of S3. But there is something about how RAM ties together storylines from three seasons with aplomb.

Justin Neason

Did she just stick wasabi in an open womb? Yup, I'm good. F national security


missing reaction fyi