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The continued bitterness over the tournament arc that didn't happen never fails to crack me up.

Colin Huckestein

When you said you're prediction for the next episode was that Kite, Gon and Killua would find a way to save Pokkle from death... my heart broke for you lol.

Jesse Walker

Man this show just has great storytelling. they embody the show don't tell of filmmaking. Just look at this episode. You got a guy. High off life. He's fought gon so he at least has a basic understanding of how powerful he is. He got his nen upgrade and feels he can be king. Take on the world. Then girl walks in and he immediately knows he's outmatched substantially and will never compare. Basically showing how much of a beast she is and none of it was done by an exposition dump. They find ways to show you and make you understand what's happening.