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fl fr - 5x7.mp4



This may be a minor spoiler, but I wouldn't really consider it to be the case, considering the subject matter which has no presence this season. Regarding William Bell, I think your instinct is right. He would have had a part this season. Unfortunately, Leonard Nemoy was too ill to work at this point and so the character was cut. I only say this so that you don't watch the rest of this season hoping he pops up, only to be disappointed. I recall feeling similarly.


Season 5 brings out the theme of the entire series even more...being on the Fringe of Humanity - especially in respect to Walter, but it can be seen in all the characters at some point in the series. Can't wait for what's to come!

christian chirico

Hey Jimmy, great reaction, really glad you are enjoying this season. I wanted to ask if you are gonna upload this last two reactions to google drive because i really wanted to download them like i have done for the rest of the series up to this point, thank you and keep up the good work.

Wesley Rogers

Sorry This video does not exist. Got this far