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The Leftovers REACTION - 2x3



I was afraid you wouldn't like that episode, because it didn't involve Kevin, Nora and Matt... so I'm all the more happy you enjoyed it :D


I fucking love how angry you got at the phone going off during the interview. That shit was hilarious.


Okay so this is what I thought when I first watched this episode (this is all speculation on my part and I could be wrong so I don't think I'm spoiling anything.) - No part of me at all thought that Tom was telling the truth, and I don't think the audience is intended to think he is either. I think Tom just understands that people need guidance and someone to tell them that things will be okay. So in a sort of ironic twist he realized that the best way to fight a malicious cult like the Guilty Remnant is to create his own sort of cult using what he learned from Wayne. Now whether or not Wayne actually had powers seems to be intentionally vague, but I definitely don't think Tom has any REAL powers, nor do I think we are meant to think that. I think Tom is just imitating what he saw Wayne doing. Again this is all speculation so I could be wrong, but I think this is Tom just doing what he thinks he has to in order to help these people at such a low point.


The set up this season is brilliant. I like the Drew & kuhpunkt interpretation that Tom & Laurie are copying Wayne as a kind of good-intentions con job, because it makes for an intriguing juxtaposition of different characters' ideas about faith at this point: these two bought into new post-departure 'religions' quick and over s1 lost their faith in them. Maybe now they think it's all fake, but they also get why it's necessary for people, so maybe they're willing to lie? Wayne was always "I don't know what or why anything, I just know everyone is in pain and I can help" which could be a kind of methadone for the GR's 'fuck you cuz "the world ended"' heroin. Meanwhile, Kevin and Nora would probably both say faith is unnecessary or even harmful (*cough*GR*cough*) but they've each had actual eerie encounters w Wayne at emotional low points (in fact, a lot like the story Tom confesses/makes-up depending on your view) plus they just moved to a place called Miracle to feel safe. To beat a dead horse w the LOST parallels, "S4 Jack: there's no such thing as miracles. Locke: we'll just have to see which of us is right."

Agnieszka Pienczykowska

It's the power of suggestion. Tom wraps the narrative in enough vagueness that it's really the person who chooses to get the hug who will be making a leap of faith. It's a kind of placebo effect IMO.