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Jacob Cannon

incredible analysis on aegon: "we must understand that he is also an idiot"


I cut Aegon a LOT of slack simply because he made it very clear he never wanted to be king. He literally had to be dragged kicking and screaming back to the throne. He isn’t some power hungry psycho like Joffrey. He’s just a dumb frat boy who straight up told everyone he wasn’t cut out for the job, but they forced him into it anyway. Now his son has been murdered and here is Otto, openly calling him an idiot, sometimes in front of the council and his subjects. I think in Aegon’s situation I would also tell Otto to go fuck himself. He’s obviously a dummy, but I don’t hate him like I thought I would. His actor being quite good helps with that. Cole on the other hand, Cole is one of the biggest pieces of shit I’ve ever seen on TV. Fuck Cole.

Jacob Corenthose

I hate Aegon simply because he's a rapist piece of shit. If I were to judge him purely based on his conduct as King, I wouldn't find him to be all that bad. Certainly not on par with Joffrey.