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Battle isn't the only way to solve conflicts; sometimes a little diplomacy can go a long way. Arkant was once a Dragon Blade of Ætheria. One of it's most storied members. Under the command of Empress Ætheria, who was herself loyal to the Stone King and his armies, Arkant took part in the Baptism of Fire. Centuries old and a powerful as all of his dragonborn brethern, Arkant carries with him the weight of all the furkins he'd slain during his service to the Empire.

Cassius, son of Archduchess Ariella Assyrius, and a ranger of the Sacred Order of Raven Knights is quite familiar with the dragon blooded kin. They fought as adversaries at Herald's Keep; the stage of the last disastrous battle under the Saurian King Mizer's reign. Arkant had been sent along with others of the Empress' Dragon Blades to support the King and his so-called Imperial Dragon Blades during the conflict. A conflict that claimed said King's life and ended up being the catalyst for Arkant's discommendation.

Despite this, Arkant has a quite friendly relationship with the young lordling; having dueled and worked with Cassie's Knight's Master, Adolyn, many times. Here we see where violence won't do, a little sword fighting will. Though Arkant is usually the more aggressor type, he's happy to receive for the right person. I guess Cassie's just too cute to refuse.


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