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Adolyn has many peculiar friends and stranger bedfellows. One of which is a tamanuu, Parentha of the Dark Bargain. Though hated and feared by most kinlings, and even hunted to near extinction for their ability to sign contracts that lend power and favors in exchange for being able to collect the quintessence of living beings after their deaths. This power fuels their longevity and makes them incredibly strong and even knowledgeable. It also grants them the ability to create shades of those whose quintessence the collected. Many believe them to be demonic in nature, but they are simply another Elderian creature created by the power of ascension.

Though most are considered vile for their practices, Parentha has yet to become jaded in life, like her mother. Thus she still wishes to have friends and relationships with mundane kinlings, despite the danger. Of the few who have made her acquaintance and not persecuted or tried to destroy her, Adolyn is a curious case; as one would believe it would be his duty to destroy such a being as a Raven Knight. However given the fact that the conditions for the taking of a persons essence is reliant on both their consent and their demise, Adolyn does not believe Parentha to be quite the boogie monster her species is made out to be. Though he is weary of her unscrupulous mother.

As such Parentha has a strong attachment to Adolyn and seeks to help him when she can, showing up in odd places and situations to render aid. Though Soven believes this is just to engender herself to him in order ot one day convince the mighty warrior to willingly give over his essence. Only time will tell whether or not this is the case. Though Parentha vehemently denies this. 



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