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Culturally, Evandale is quite different than other places around Lioncourt. Nowhere is this more noticeable than with their gender roles. Men, women, Caenisian Daughters, and everything in between are treated as equals culturally; as Dalish societal standards are based mostly on accomplishments and service, than gender, sexual preference, or even family name. Those born to noble Dalish families tend to find that more is expected of them, not less, and that though they can be born with 'Nobility' it must be confirmed through achievement and excellence. Dalish Lords can lose their nobility if they are deemed unworthy of it.

As men and women are not raised very differently as far as what is to be expected of them, many outsiders find Dalish women to be brash and unladylike. Even the noblewomen tend to lack a certain feminine grace that most expect of women. An accusation that is vehemently disputed by Dalish men, who simply protest that their women aren't meek and prudish. 

Even Dalish women raised and Noble Houses to be 'proper ladies' tend to be rather direct and indelicate in their behavior; often times taking offense to foreign lords and nobles treatment. Even child rearing and the domestic artes are not seen as a gender specific role. As such, like the men, they are trained to give years of service to the Border Legion, and most Dalish women will not consider courting a man who she has not seen fight.

In the Dales, women typically control courting. It is not uncommon for a man to seek the hand of a female for serious or even recreational coupling, but typically it is women who seek out and pursue partners they believe are of merit. If an engagement is agreed upon, but contested by a parent, the Dalishkin to offer the engagement can challenge an unreasonable object via combat.

Though Dalish women can come off as abrasive, coarse in their language, and indelicate in terms of how they interreact with men; they are not noticeably much more 'mannish' than women of other cultures, they just seem to have a reputation of being a little more bold and self assured than the other females of Lioncourt.




Ooh, London and Soven. Beautiful!