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Those with deep spirit wells can go their entire lives without knowing that they have a vast amount of quintessence. Those who do not have radical dreams or manifestations of their ability to touch the flow can go unnoticed for some time, but not in the presence of will o' wisps.

These creatures are much a mystery as they seem to only exist in the presence of strong quintessence. They live briefly and die out within a day of appearing, while only being able to be perceived when interacting with the quintessence of a particularly powerful individual. 

Will O' Wisps are often confused with Pyreflies, but unlike pyreflies, these creatures do not appear around the dead or dying. They are littered in places of power and can be frequently found in Mana Gardens and Mana Faults. Those who play with will o' wisps have reported many different strange phenonmenon. Some has claimed to have been healed by the creatures, others have claimed to have been lead from danger by them. The Librarium have long believed will o' wisps to be the despondent memories of the noosphere made tangible by the power of a adepts quintessence. And the creatures are less an individual thing and more an extension of their connection with the flow.

Here we have Lina showing Meredith the will o' whisps for the first time in the Mana Garden in Bast. Meredith's childlike wonder is enough to put a smile one even Lina cranky face.



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