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Teen Wolf | 2x3 Full REACTION!!

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Allison is 17 not 16, she is still a sophomore because of the fact that her family moves alot. Crystal Reed is 36 now.


You can't just pull an arrowhead out because it is prone to breaking inside when taking the arrow out.


Also, Scott is still the same because thats his nature. The whole point is that he is still that shy compassionate good natured kid he was pre wolf powers.


Scott also got bitten on the waist and so its not something special from Derek. Literally every alpha has bitten them on the waist.


Also Nathan you do realize that the age of consent is 18 only in 11 states. In 39 states the age of consent is 16 so technically if Erica is 16 it would be legal for Derek to have sex with her. The fact that this takes place in California, where age of consent is 18, is a known plot hole and would easily be addressed if it were to have taken place in one of the 39 other states.


Erica was having an epileptic seizure Scott knew about her seizure because he's a werewolf. It's establishes werewolves can sense medical disturbances in this show.


Victoria Argent, Allison's mother. I hate her almost as much as Kate!


ok last comment about this episode sorry. Scott beat 2 werewolves who are in a pack. Remember Werewolves are physically stronger and better in every way when they are together in a pack but Scott beat 2 on his own fighting 2 on 1.