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I'm gonna talk about optical soundtracks and the things I have to do to comply with the copyright rules on YouTube so that you can enjoy the films in my archive, and I rant about some other things too.



Copyright Trolls And Film Questions

I'm gonna talk about optical soundtracks and the things I have to do to comply with the copyright rules on YouTube so that you can enjoy the films in my archive, and I rant about some other things too. Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone #Film #archive #trolls - Intro Music by Fran Blanche - Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com



Glad you're doing better Fran, you've been on fire posting the movies and I've enjoyed them all. They remind me so much of those movies from school and I loved it when the teacher would draw the curtain, turn off the lights and one of the other students would turn that knob and we'd see the dust in the room lit up by that beam firing across the classroom at the portable screen. Thank-you for posting these.


Nice work Fran. Trolls can suck up zero cash on your work. Some peeps just have to complain, ignore them. They need more help than they realize and we got no time for that.


I used to work in TV as an on-line editor in the late 80s and I remember those huge libraries of industrial music and sound effects. I even copied some of the best of them, which are VERY dated today and borderline funny. What I can't understand is why some large media company would simply ask that you reference the music they own at the end of a YouTube video that is free. If you're not making any money, or terribly little money with the film/music, then the best business sense would be to at least allow the music to play for free, but get their company contact info out if someone actually liked their 40 year old music and would want to purchase it complete and in high quality. There inevitably will be someone out there that wanted the the outdated "industrial" music intact. Then they make a sale. Simply banning it makes it worthless since the audience never hears what you so carefully remove. So they buy the media, prevent it from being played, and then just sit on it? This doesn't make business sense to me. It's like buying endless amounts of port-o-potty pods and then just locking the door on every one of them instead of charging a dime to get in? So they sit on crap just to have their name on the door but zero contact information. I'm sure someone can help me understand how this possibly makes sense.


Fran, on your move and content...Video your move activities and share it in time lapse later. It would keep you busy! Kidding, kidding....


Had no idea you have been sick :( So glad you feel better. The films are great, like everything you do. Thanks.

David Peaker

I'm glad you're feeling better. I have been enjoying the films, both with and without music, I think they're a great way to keep uploading content during the move.


Have a look at "True Ageusia for Supertasters" where Fran talks about her problems.

Rocco Rizzo

You should check out Rick Beato’s YouTube channel and his rants about copyright trolls it will give even more insight about what exactly is going on.


Sorry to hear of illness Fran ,glad to hear your feeling a bit better ,good luck with move :)


Hope the sniffer and taster get better too.


Can you copyright the films you have before the trolls?


Thanks so much for putting the time and effort into these film transcriptions. I'm slowly catching up with the viewing!. As for whingers they deserve the same treatment as the copyright trolls - banishing to a desert island with no communications! I really don't understand why the US Courts and Legal system, along with YouTube, allow the freeloading that the trolls benefit from. If a composition was written, recorded and released 'copyright free' then it should remain so.


Yay Fran. Good health. 🙂