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I Done Broke My Youtubes!!!!!

Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone #ElectronicsCreators #ufo #uap - Music by Fran Blanche - Frantone on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/frantone/ Fran on Twitter - https://twitter.com/contourcorsets Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com


Dr Andy Hill

I wondered why the Franocaster video suddenly appeared high up in my suggested viewing today.

Dr Andy Hill

Could you just turn off comments for all videos, including new ones? I reckon you would only need to hold it in place for 2 weeks before the mob just went away.

Dr Andy Hill

I think people just keep adding comments make them feel like that matter, they are just screaming into the void.


Add comment moderators? There are lots of moderation guides out there, one of which should be close enough for now.

David Peaker

I'm not going to post a comment, so you don't have to read it, oh wait....


I only comment if I think I can add some value to the conversation. Which is not very often! Turning off comments for now seems a good idea. If you put videos out first on Patreon, you should get meaningful and manageable feedback from genuine supporters.


Fran, you're finally an overnight success!, after all these years of putting out great videos.


@fran. The small channels with millions and millions of views comes from youtube kids. They get millions and millions of views with virtually zero engagement / subscriptions. That results in lots and lots of videos produced by these children’s content farms getting millions of views each.


As for commenting on this video. Its the teeny tiny fraction of a percent of a chance your creator will see it and reply. I guess it feels nice to feel like your favorite youtube might see it even tho chances are virtually zero anyone will actually see it. There is also the aspect of putting your own point of view and other commenters might see it and upvote it enough to get to the top. It happens once in a blue moon. Everybody things their comment adds value to the content and some of them actually do add value :)

Mark Sundstrom

It never rains but it pours, is some kind of an old expression that I remember. I expect things will calm down eventually.


I watch all your videos, but I hardly ever comment. It is almost impossible to read all the comments in one video, I know.

Mike O'Dell

David Bowie’s *Fame* comes to mind.

Blair Harrison

have you looked at tubebuddy or agora pulse? - I think these both have comment management tools which might be of assistance. Tubebuddy has some bulk-editing tools also which might be of help.

Philip Stephens

Alas, I don't think it's quite that simple. She had one video that blew views out of the water due to the content matter. But her channel isn't about UFOs. It will be great if she can keep most of the new subscribers, but those that came for the UFOs probably won't stick around for long.

Philip Stephens

Yeah, I see posts on my Facebook feed where someone has asked a question and made the post public, and there are tens or hundreds of thousands of responses, and I'm like: why would I bother adding my answer to that mass? Hardly anyone is going to read my answer, it's going to get lost in the noise. It's just a weird quirk of human behaviour, I suppose.


I would just try one of the third-party tools that Blair suggests and approve all the comments en masse. Probably best if you don't read any of them. I'm sure your regular viewers don't care what any idiot commenters say, and you shouldn't care either. Sensible viewers know you can't reply to more than a few comments, so you shouldn't worry about that either. Easy to say, I know. I suspect that if you post some new content soon, some of those new subscribers will hang around and some will become patrons.

Ewen McNeill

Yes typically people lock comments on videos/posts that are getting too much noise/trolling. And if it then spills over to other videos then they lock comments on those too until the pain goes away. Most single person organisations don’t try to hand moderate all comments through mass discussion like that. They either turn off comments, leave comments filtered, or have assistants to do comment moderation (if they want the “engagement boost” of “active discussion”). Spending 99% of time fighting YouTube comment UI and 0-1% of time making new videos or responding to people wanting to buy things feels like a poor allocation of time. Just saying. Ewen

Dragi Raos

Ah, so there _is_ API and third party tools using it. I thought it must be... Uh, I am getting old. I just remembered a Tom Scott video where he demonstrates the use of the API.


Can’t some of us help in some way.


Can you make some of us able to help with comments? I’m not sure how it works but I would love to help in some way and I’m sure I’m not alone

Great Joe

Disabling comments is a valid option, and you are in exactly the circumstances where you should seriously consider it.


You are a victim of your own success Fran, I just don't know how people with the big accounts like Big Clive cope with it either. Maybe he has idea's.


That seems like a good solution to me. How much value is there to your business in having YouTube comments enabled? What does it get you? Leave commenting to be a Patreon perk. We're the best commenters :)


Just keep churning out new videos related to circuits or pedals or the other stuff you're famous for and it'll settle down after a while. Has your number of Patrons increased? If so, then just look at the notoriety as gravy. Cheers!

Nicholas Wilson

Love you Fran, I hope the trolls ruin their own lives by being trolls & learn from their mistakes.


Don't sweat the comments too much, I don't think most video views correspond to jerks. Not every comment section can look like costube ( I don't know how they do it: maybe costumers are just a generally nicer audience?).


I would say disable comments


I've been following this insanity and your heavy sighs as the madness began and continued were so pure and human that I just HAD to become a patreon. Thank you for everything you do.


You should people becoming a patreon to be able to comment! 😉


youtube is an untameable beast, there's not much you can do about that, and people are gonna have different opinions about stuff, i can understand wanting to keep it civilised tho


I was suggested the UFO video, then all the electronics in the background made me curious and now I’ve watch several of the videos (suggested by YouTubes) and great work! I play guitar and all the other topics I’ve seen will keep me around! Thanks for all the hard work! 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Thank you for this video. As someone trying to put together a channel, this is very instructive for the day I (hopefully) have the problem of having to field a video that goes viral. Congratulations! And thanks again. Your content is great!


Yeah Youtube comments are trash not only for the creator but the for genuine subscribers. They should allow auto approved comments from people who get a thumbs up from the creators .


Thanks for your hard work. But I've got to say your video on the subject was/is spot on. Since your 1st video I've been researching multidimensional math. Youtube has a lot of astrophysicists discussing the subject and the math behind it. Very interesting, What ever info we can glean from watching it's performance and the way it deflects radar (when it does) or what temperature is the skin? We have detected the effect of dark matter when it bends light. There must be a way we can learn more (if the Navy hasn't already). I joined your patreon today, I hope it helps.


You’re doing fine. This too will pass. 🙂

