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A mini-Frant about my old company Frantone.



What Happened To Frantone?

A mini-Frant about my old company Frantone. Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone #pedal #fran #peachfuzz - Music by Fran Blanche - Frantone on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/frantone/ Fran on Twitter - https://twitter.com/contourcorsets Fran's Science Blog - http://www.frantone.com/designwritings/design_writings.html FranArt Website - http://www.contourcorsets.com



I'm one of the guilty parties! A few months back I told my wife and the leader of my band about how much I wanted a Vibratone but they couldn't find one, and Scott said he even reached out to you ... Sorry! :)


Bastards Pedal Company!!Anyhoo still am watching Looking for a Nemo Numitron? Nemotron Anyhoo like your Hare! Them filmaker Bastards should of Know..


Oh Forgot Like your Burrows tube sory auto correct crap


Why must you say "a bunch of white guys"? Isn't that just as bigoted as saying "a bunch of black guys", or "a bunch of white women" or "a bunch of LGBTQ"? A bunch of white guys did not conspired to steal your ideas. Human ego and greed stole your ideas and the last time I checked these traits are "inclusive" of all human beings and not just the males with white skin.


yup, Like the Tube in the background.


She was referring to the actual movie. So when there is a bunch of white guys in the movie how else is she suppose to describe them?


Not being a musician, I really don't have a feel for that industry. I do know in aerospace, every diagram has "proprietary" and other warnings to enable a company to sue anyone who copies what they did. "Intellectual Property" they call it. I didn't see the Pedal Movie, but it doesn't sound like I missed much. Is the description of a transistor-based circuit just more convincing from some "white guy" than it is from a woman? I've been in endless meetings where a female engineer is presenting her ideas and no one attending EVER made a off-color comment like "Well, from a FEMALE" point of view." 30 years ago, yeah, I sensed some threatened male egos in meetings where women were presenting, but that generation seems to be retired or died off. If the Pedal Movie had an "agenda" where a major financier was slanting the tone, or direction, of the movie, then you never had a chance. I'd be pissed too if I prepared for an interview, spelled out some of my "firsts", just to wind up on the cutting room floor. They wasted your time and that's a true crime. I guess you need a lawyer, and a ton of "Proprietary Intellectual Property" warning on everything you design. I reverse-engineer electronics all the time, but never for profit, and only to solve a problem in a personal home-based projects. I guess you were too trusting and "nice" back when you were innovating and producing your products. I would have thought that musicians would stand by their favorite effects designers since their music benefits so much from them. It's sad than in such a creative environment, the right people don't get credit for their contributions. I guess in this age "There's an app for that" reigns supreme and no one knows or cares who developed it. You have our respect. You even have professional credentials now. You probably gave the interview for free too. Well, I think you'll want some cash for your time from now on, or have direct creative control over any documentary you appear in. No more Ms. nice guy! (Or gal) Don't sweat it. The "movie" soon will become just that much more Internet clutter and you have the unique position on YouTube to correct for the oversights that were made in that movie. Perhaps you can leave comments on theirs?


My problem is that as a brass player I have spent my entire career avoiding ever making the kinds of sounds a pedal introduces.

Dr Andy Hill

I don't think they asked any of the women in the documentary any technical questions. In fact they were guilty of the "white man" bias that they touched on! The way that I look at it is, you know what your achievements in the pedal industry were and so do we your supporters! I would dearly like to see the Frantone name and products live on, so I hope you can do a "proper" deal with some maker. Perhaps one day you could write a book, telling the true story!? Unobservant that I am , I have only just noticed that the "Big Ass" display in the background Spells out FRANLAB :-)


Couldn't agree with you more, Fran. Lots of talented creators featured, but so many missed opportunities. The financial interest Reverb had in this film no doubt had a major sway in the final cut, which didn't seem to do anything to help matters.


Aww Fran. I'm sensing your sadness behind your brave exterior. You should have been idolised on that movie. I hope it's gets a bigger critics panning than the Phantom Menace ❤️


Heartbreakingly frustrating.