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My thanks to all the Senior Members of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for inducting me into their prestigious ranks.  I am honored!



That's SMIEEE To YOU!!!

My thanks to all the Senior Members of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers for inducting me into their prestigious ranks. I am honored!Joi...



Congratulations Fran glad to see you being inducted


Well deserved! Congratulations!


Congratulations Fran. ❤️


Congratulations you deserve it ❤️


Congrats! Well earned.


Super news, your earned it.

Robert Sanges

I am so happy for you! Great accomplishment and well deserved.


This is amazing!! Congratulations! Well deserved.


Congratulations! Make sure you let YOUTUBE know so they will start promoting your videos more!!! BTW, some of the stupidest people I know have advanced degrees from very prestigious colleges and universities. In fact it is my opinion that the problem with American business is the over reliance on academics as opposed to real world experience.


That's great news Fran, truly the recognition you deserve. I've been loving all the quirky display devices you you've been exploring lately. Thanks!


Well done, Fran! You should receive the secret handshake instructions soon. Fun fact - you periodically see IEEE stickers and posters on The Big Bang Theory on Wolowitz' fridge and other sets.

Great Joe

Eyyyyy, congratulations!!!




Congratulations!!! Well done. Not surprised either. Well deserved. :)


Congratulations Fran! What took them so long? You should have been awarded this many years ago. I mean, how much do you have to do to get recognized as a seriously talented engineer? You proved that years ago. You shouldn’t have had to be on YouTube for years just to get the recognition you deserve. This “Degree Required” inferred, or directly stated, is simply ignorant and short-sighted. While I wasted 4 years in college, you were out making things happen in the real world! Your demonstrated abilities count much more in my book than an expensive piece of paper stating you spent a lot of time and money in the “traditional system”. I can’t tell you how unimpressed I am with school credentials. When we hire young new engineers at my company, we mentor them to function in the environment they actually have to work in. I’ve asked at least five of the new-hires 6 months into their employment “How many college classes did you take that actually apply to what you do here?” So far, the answer has been “None!”. They are young, gifted and talented engineers, but they could have done the job they’re doing now without ANY college degree. Here’s another thing that surprised me. I asked them “What kind of lab time, and physical construction of circuits, did you have in college?” So far, the answer has been “none”. It appears they train electrical engineers through the use of computer simulated circuit design software. Soldering iron experience? Nope! Reading color codes on resistors and other components? No again. At least in the engineering group I work in, you have to know how to operate all kinds of test equipment. Even though things like oscilloscopes now have a button called “Autoset”, you still have to fine tune it into what you’re really trying to read. Engineering graduates should not be afraid of wire cutters and physically changing wiring on a project. Yes, we have union tech school graduates doing the major wiring and assembly jobs since they cost less per hour than Engineers. But most of these Techs have what it takes to be a good engineer, but can’t get there without that expensive piece of paper. That really frustrates me. It’s not unusual for a Tech to report a conflict in design that somehow got passed the review stage. They see the wiring diagrams and know right away that circuit breakers are the wrong value, diodes are backwards, and other things that should have been caught. I always remember to tell their managers what a great job they do because, to me anyway, they are engineers as well, but get to physically create something. I miss that part. I love assembling projects just as you do. That company that wouldn’t even give you an interview? I can’t even imagine all of the things you could have contributed to that company that they could NEVER get with a traditionally trained Engineer. I don’t know if it’s an ego thing or what, but this seemingly “private club” that overlooks anyone without a degree is severely short-sighted. Just like you, I’m self-taught in electronics since I was a child. Does anything I designed and created for all those years mean anything? No. I had to get a degree to get in the door. Stupid! You’ve accomplished so much all by yourself, that YOU could teach college classes. You already do it on YouTube! And with the deficiencies I see with no “hands-on” graduates could be educated by someone like you who has a passion for problem solving and circuit design. It’s been too long in coming, but FINALLY you are receiving the recognition you deserve. Again, I think it was too long in coming, but congratulations! Take the plaque you receive and go to that company who would not even interview you and ask them “So, how many of your traditionally-trained engineers have one of these?” Probably zero. You are now officially “Elite” in the mainstream engineering world. Totally unique and AWESOME!!!


An honor you deserve. An indication that IEEE has the wisdom to recognize the efforts of someone like yourself who may have come to their skills and accomplishments in a manner different from the path most of their members took. Well done Fran!




The award trophy BETTER have a Nixie tube on it or there will be hell to pay!

Mike O'Dell

CONGRATULATIONS!!! The tube aging system alone contains reams of Dark Knowledge that died with the engineers of the RCA Vacuum Tube Division. You should document that design and publish the book. I like modern breadboards as much as anyone, but an engineer that doesn’t know which end of the soldering iron to hold without doing a test shouldn’t be trusted further than he can be thrown with the staples removed. Yes, I’m old and cranky and respect competence, not wallpaper. I have too many shares of startup stock on the wall to be impressed by wallpaper alone. Tell me about something you *created* that had you getting out of bed every morning with a reason to do so. You have this by the ton.

Dragi Raos

Strange - I studied physics (granted, almost half a century ago and in Europe), but did all the "hands on" work you mention as a matter of fact. Labs were every bit as important as any theoretical subject. And later, at my place of work, senior techs were better paid than postdocs.

Mike Hughes

Congratulations, A very well deserved aknowledgement of your skill and tenacity in a world beleaguered by snobbish masculine pride, I do hope you send a copy of your award to that firm that didn't even know why you were applying for the job you were qualified for.

Dr Andy Hill

Congratulations Fran you certainly deserve it. Never put yourself down for your lack of "formal" training again!

Jessica McIntosh

Congrats Fran!! Thats awesome. And well earned. 🎉💜😄

Howard Simons

"We're not worthy!!!" :-) Well done and well well deserved Fran.


Well done Fran. It is always nice to feel appreciated. FWIW though, I don't think it was academic qualifications preventing you getting that job. It is a sad story but sometimes you can be overqualified for a position and if they took you on then you would make everyone else around you look bad. It happened to someone I know and they ended discarding certain things on their CV so it would look like they still needed training, not that they could train the people who were training others. Can't wait to see the plaque. Be sure to make it do something funky with it, like light it up or play a tune when you trace your fingers over the letters etc. ;)


Wow Fran, I'm so happy for you! You deserve it, period. Congratulations!