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A Jam Handy Picture - public domain and ad free for your unrestricted enjoyment.



Oh, That Robot!!!

A Jam Handy Picture - public domain and ad free for your unrestricted enjoyment. Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/frantone


Mark Wilkes

Love it! Also love the weird way they pronounce ‘row-bits’....

John McCormick

A fun twist would have been if the woman turned out to be the robot. The robot is versatile but a high crushing risk if it falls on you.


I'd still prefer a ligit looking vacuum feet robit with "Fix Furnace" and "Get Hat" optional extras to get through the day.

Nicholas Wilson

Some of the best nonsense technobabble at the start there. I want a Roll-Oh of my own! 😄

Dr Andy Hill

What would they make of today's smart homes and cars?


I need one :D


I remember my aunt (who taught a high school Science Fiction Literature class in Minnesota) saying "rowbut" too.


I have always said robut. My son makes fun of me. But RO-BAHT sounds odd to me.


Dang robo go get the car and Hookers


The robot's name is Robert. Row-bit is just how they pronounce that name in Bah-ston.


That intro reminded me of the story "A Logic Named Joe".


Wow, the memories triggered by the awful optical sound of the trumpet fanfare from "The Good Old Days". Astonishing that things worked as well as they did.


Gotta love Jam Handy--that organization did some great short films. Take a look at "Master Hands" sometime--a paean to late-Thirties Detroit assembly line workers.


"Tiny automatic brains!"

Philip Stephens

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


Fran, I think I saw another version of this same old film, but it had dramatically different dialogue. It went as follows: Technician: “Miss, the reinforced concrete floor trusses in your basement appear to be handling Vacuum Tube Alexa’s weight just fine. Only hairline fractures at this point. Nothing to worry about. Leave it for the next home owners to deal with.” Woman: “Oh, I’m so glad to hear that! It’s swell knowing that her feet can flatten a quarter as if it was on a railroad track rail, and yet the constant cracking noises in the floor are no problem.” Technician: “Exactly!. And as for the seemingly rather large investment of having a 3 phase 440 volt electrical service provided to your home by your utility company? That expense is easily offset when considering what a human butler would cost. And can a human butler heat an entire room in the cold of winter merely by his presence alone? I think not. Plus, we are close to reducing the number of diesel locomotive lead-acid batteries down from 6 to 4 and we are even hearing rumors of a maintenance free battery being developed, no longer requiring you to check fluid levels and battery electrolytes. We’re really keen on the latest battery developments.” Woman: “Oh, that’s great news! That acid stuff is just awful. When she attempted to climb the stairs last week, they gave way and she fell into the basement. She spilled that acid stuff all over the floor after flattening my washing machine and dryer. My cat refuses to use his litter box after having to walk over that dried acid. He threw such a hissy-fit!” Technician: “Well, cats can be finicky. But I noticed you have beautiful asbestos tile flooring in most rooms and that is barely affected by battery acid. On top of that, as we promised, we are going to paint her avocado green using only the finest lead-based paints available.” Woman: “Oh, you are so good to me! Every time you stop by, Vacuum Tube Alexa just gets better and better.” Technician: “Well, I’ll tell the boys at the lab. We aim to please! Oh, and I’m leaving some extra lubricating oil for you at no charge. As a woman, I know you wouldn’t understand, but this miracle oil never burns, breaks down or evaporates and this innovative oil is simply known by the letters “PCB”. It will last a lifetime!“ Woman: “Oh, and I almost forgot, the glow-in-the-dark lettering on her switches and oven clock timers makes getting that night time snack just that much easier! But I still can’t understand why she says “I’ll be back!” every once in a while. Even when she is not told to go anywhere. Is that a problem?” Technician: “Not at all. Every robot says that at random. We don’t really know why. In some cases they were designed by other robots. We don’t know EXACTLY how they work. And as for the spontaneous combustion of her flame system? We solved that with something we like to call “Windows 95” as it works 95% of the time and she now cleans windows with an ammonia-based streak-free wipe! No doubt, Vacuum Tube Alexa will continue to serve you tirelessly for decades to come with all the safety and comfort modern technology can deliver. The future is really here! Today!” Woman: “Oh, you’re just too good to me. What would I do without Vacuum Tube Alexa?” Technician: “Your own window cleaning to start!” Woman and Technician: laughing together. Her nervously, him manically. Fade to black.

Mike Hughes

An old fashioned Tesla Car...


Ro-butts everywhere! I want the "clean house" button.

Mike O'Dell

Vacuum Tube Alexa! Almost as good as Vacuum Tube Twin Reverb!


The vacuum cleaner in the foot was my favorite.