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This continues to be a very weird month for distraction behaviour. I don't think I can be too mad at it as the distraction behaviour is producing useful things rather than the bad sort of distraction behaviour when I end up playing computer games and doing nothing for a week.

I've got some good news for people patiently waiting for new fiction from me. I wrote a new short story. I also wanted to make damn sure I actually finished the short story before I wrote this update. I was hoping to finish it Friday or Saturday, but I ended up having to navigate a pile of other tasks and was only able to finish it... uh... five minutes ago.

This is a marked improvement over the previous occasions I've been dragged away with a 'hot' story idea only to have it not finish or take three weeks to write instead of a couple of days. This took a week. It's a little longer than intended and I'll need to clean it up when typing it up, but overall, went fairly smoothly.

The spark that fired it off was hearing about the Pandemonium story event from Literotica:

A story event featuring demons... if I didn't write something for that people really would think I was dead!

And by happy coincidence a suitable idea budded from the filthy little black cells of my brain and this one had enough legs for me to write it all the way to conclusion.

It involves a succubus and a very exclusive magic act.

My plan is to give higher tiers an early sneak peek at it when it's typed up, and then post it to the Literotica story event sometime in September.

This week has been a rather strange diversion, but I think it's got the writing gears moving again, which isn't a bad thing.

I've also received the preliminary sketches for the next batch of harlots. I really need to get these mini-boss harlots written as marwmellow is going to catch me up at this rate! This is the last batch for the HoHH 1.5 demo. Once I have them I'll look into putting a proper public demo out.

A weird week, but a productive one. Not quite in what I need to be productive in, but it will be nice to finally put something out for the long-suffering fiction fans.

Back to that particular story. There are 3 characters (2 protagonists and 1 support) in need of names. If you'd like to be 'immortalised', put yours (or any other name) in the comments below. The three characters are all typical British university students (with the support one being frightfully posh). None of the characters are particularly sympathetic, so I'll drop that warning in advance. The last line might be one of the coldest I've ever written for any story.

Anyway. Weird week. New story written. Hopefully, with that out of the way there will be no more distractions and I'll finally write Temptacia's scenario. Right, brain? You will co-operate next week, won't you?

Thanks for the support and interest.
- manyeyedhydra




Hi Hydra, that's great news, really looking forward to read the next story. Do you have any plans to write the next story collection book? Your lore, setting and characters have so much potential.


Great news, as someone who has zero interest in HoHH and only interested in the stories. SS 301 I am especially interested in, but any short story is grand


I'm in a weird position with the collections. I think I might have enough stories for two collections now, but a while back I foolishly had a plan for the collections to have a certain structure. Each must have a Nicole story, a X vs Succubus, and a succubus tablet story. And it's those stories that are holding everything up. At this point I'm undecided between keeping that structure, in which case I still need to write 3 stories for the next collection, or abandoning it and just putting them together with the stories I already have. I was fairly happy with how this week went as previous digressions to write short stories have been fairly messy and knocked me off my plans for other things. After I've done Temptacia, I might take another look at the outstanding collection stories I need to write. Maybe put aside one week of each month just to story writing again.